To The One Who Needs It More Than I

Apr 25, 2007 00:28

To The One Who Needs It More Than I (she knows who she is)

We sit in the rose garden
Abandoned ancient and antique voices self-identify
The winter has been cruel, but April still crueler
We sit, golden along the thorns and thoughts
Another counterpoint enters the song
A new line, and you inhale
Distorted, laced with hesitance water
Backwards sigh as the melody dances among the stems
And thorns
And bricks
And carrion leaves

Our asses hurt, there’s no doubt
We’ve been sitting here since dawn
Golden, along the thoughts and things
From yesterday
Each of us with our knees raised to pink and orange hues
A flight
Legs have grown wings while we still sit
I lose my balance to put a hand on yours
“Are you still here?” I say
“Spring is almost over,” you say

“But there’s so much more to do,” I say
“I know. Just give me time,” you say
So I do.
We sit in the rose garden, silent, golden
Still understanding most moments end radically
Knowing at once we’ll have to return
We still believe in infinity
Green black splotches dot the dead
Another voice enters the soundscape
Swirls, crescendos, and retreats to the background
Inseparable from the ancient voices of children
The gasp, your gasp, attacks me
“What can I do to help?” I say

“Just give me time,” you say
You fall back and look up at the palate
There is no warmth and soothing in this place
Only the comfort of reality
No here, only now
Only that stupid belief in golden infinity

The voices become a murmur, as I follow you inside to greet the guests
Hoping you’re ready
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