Впадаю в детство

Jan 04, 2015 18:26

Хотя, если быть до конца честной, я из него не очень-то и выпадала :)

Пошла повтыкать на сайт Pottermore. Не прошло и...
Была распределена в Гриффиндор (не удивилась).
Получила волшебную палочку следующего состава:

дерево - боярышник
Цитата:The wandmaker Gregorovitch wrote that hawthorn ‘makes a strange, contradictory wand, as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth, whose leaves and blossoms heal, and yet whose cut branches smell of death.’ While I disagree with many of Gregorovitch’s conclusions, we concur about hawthorn wands, which are complex and intriguing in their natures, just like the owners who best suit them. Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic, but they are also adept at curses, and I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous. Hawthorn wands have a notable peculiarity: their spells can, when badly handled, backfire.

сердцевина - сердечная жила дракона
Цитата: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
"The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
(если мне не изменяет память, это входило в состав палочек Гермионы, МакГонаголл и Беллатрисы)

длина 12,5 дюймов
несгибаемая (есть такой грешок)

В общем и целом подходит :)
Прошла все до седьмой книги.


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