Proud NaughtyDog Fangirl is happy .

Oct 08, 2011 22:13

I managed to avoid watching this trailer since the E3 because I knew it would be awesome and not out before way too long...  obviously, the dogs made it.

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EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH! *A* wantwantwantwantwantwant...
Nate♥  And Helena~looks like they are canon ♥♥.... *happy fangirl is happy*
...can't wait until Christmas now ;A; , I want to play Uncharted 3. The multiplayer mode looks awesome.
I'm not much into shooting games but Uncharted is special, it's pure eye-candy and rather well written. The dogs rarely disappoint their fans~ excepted when they sell their licences to crappy game studios  ¬n¬.

BTW, IRL Nate's not that bad ♥ among my favorite I spotted so far  Nate,Ezio, solid snake, Paul Phoenix Ratchet (2sec cameo, still cute♥), Lightning (I've seen better cosplays):

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RC:All4one will be out soon. But now that I've seen the uncharted trailer... I had planned to buy one myself and get the other for Xmas...
It's hard to choose now, both games look awesome.
*Starts replaying  Uncharted :Drake's fortune and among thieves *
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