NIGHT OWLS Interviews and Rumors

Oct 14, 2008 14:10

REPOSTED FROM THE ZUDA BLOG. You can find the original post here:

Hey Everybody! It's still NIGHT OWLS month here at Zuda, so we're gonna celebrate with a couple of interviews with The Most Famous Twins in Comics, who also happen to be us!

The first one is with Big Kev's Geek Stuff! Some of you may know Big Kev from his appearances on the Opie and Anthony show.

The second one is Comics Coast to Coast with Brian Dunaway and my old pal from way back, Justin Thompson! Justin also has a webcomic of his own, which I invite you to read, called MYTHTICKLE!

Lastly, some of you may have already heard the rumors being sprouted over at Rich Johnston's column on Comic Book Resources, Lying in the Gutters. I'm here to tell you now that these rumors are most emphatically and without question, possibly slightly maybe sort of untrue, give or take a few falsehoods, and not taking into account the possibility of alternate dimensions in which a version of these events that is exactly, partly, or not at all the same may or may not have taken place, or at the very least, the opposite of what I just said.

However, if you are absolutely jonesing for some animated Night Owls, there is always that cartoon we made on You Tube... as well as this new one here, featuring my wife (some of you know her as screamingdolai here at Zuda) as Mindy!

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timony, cartoon network, litg, night owls, mythtickle, comics coat to coast, big kev, webcomics, animation, zuda

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