Translation of the movie on Tarasova - Part 7

Jul 03, 2007 11:31

0:10 - Host

Alexander Zhulin called Tarasova, coach to Navka and Kostomarov. Three weeks remained before the 2002 Olympic Games, but he was still not fully confident in his skaters.

0:20 - Zhulin

They did everything I asked of them, but they did it almost robotically. I, personally, needed someone with great authority, with good taste, and who could pull out the last stops so that to let the program really shine for the Olympics.

0:42 - host

Of course, it happened many times that skaters left their own coaches to train with Tarasova. However, she was never asked by coaches - come, help me make it better than I could.

1:00 - Navka

She was like this big mama, who'd hug you, and protect you from the big and scary world around you, anything bad that can be around a child.

1:11 - Host

Tarasova planned one week for working with the skaters. What can be accomplished in such a time? She came to the practice. Navka and Kostomarov were warming up, getting into character. Yet another Carmen. "All right", said Tarasova. The guys still can't really explain what happened after that.

1:30 - Navka

It's like this incredible wave of energy, of craziness almost, of the incredible drive. When Tatiana Anatolievna was there, you had to explode from the first move, it's like there was this eruption there. There were immediately some major magnetic storms in the air around her.

1:48 - Zhulin

I don't know how much she exerts herself physically and emotionally, but it looks like you have to do it; you must do it because that's the last step you must take.

2:00 - Host

It was like that for 4 days. On the fifth day, she left. Olympic committee invited the great coach to Turin for the opening ceremonies.

2:10 - Zhulin

I immediately gave them a day off, because they needed to recuperate.

2:25 - Host

At the Olympics, Tarasova did not meet with the skaters or their coach up until the medal ceremony.

2:35 - Zhulin

She told me ahead of time - Sasha, I won't come to you, I want you to be comfortable. That is something a strong person can do. A great individuality.
2.                Going back home

2:50 - Host

By 2006, Tatiana Tarasova decided she's completed her American program. It was time to go home. Vladimir Krainev was offered work in the Saint Petersburg conservatory, and Tatiana - a position of consulting coach with the national team. Everything was going well, but soon enough Tarasova was confronted with the same question that arises before anyone who's left Russia for a prolonged time - "What to do?"

3:15 - Tarasova

I want a normal life. I want to earn decent money. I don't need a plane, I don't need the latest Mercedes, but I need to work, and understand what I'm working for. I liked coming back from America. Here, to this country. I came, I love everything here. I live here, but I must understand - I make here what I made in America in a day; here I make it in a month. For now, I don't understand this. Why should I make so little here? Is my qualification unnecessary here? Is my labor not valued? This is my country, my homeland, I want to live here and I want to die here. I love it here. But I want to know the value of my profession here.

4:20 - Host

Tatiana Anatolievna understood what her great father, the out-of-favor hockey genius, felt at the end of his life. Tarasova announced she was leaving the sport.

4:25 - Bestemianova

She is honest. She hasn't found her genius student. The second she find him, she'll be back. She has a great eye for genius, she see it; even when others don't see, she does; it's her intuition, that's what she has. She just doesn't have the raw material right now. If it appears - she'll go back.

4:47 - Host

Recent ice shows, at channel 1 and at the Red Square, have given Tarasova hope for change. Sports starts did a master class for those who will perhaps replace them. At the Red Square, Tarasova was on the lookout for the next Olympic champion.

5:08 - Tarasova at Red Square

Bend your knees. The knees, the knees, bend them, bend. Good. Now go!

5:19 - Tarasova

As years pass, and you get older, you understand, that when our of those hands fly out our golden doves - that's the greatest happiness.

navka & kostomarov, tarasova

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