Lymric Memory Drinking Game

Jan 12, 2008 12:22

By Sandy's request, here's the drinking game we played last night:

One red hen
A couple of duck
Three brown bear
Four running hair
Five fat fickle female sitting on fence
Six simple Simon sittin' sippin' scotch
Seven Sinbad sailor sailing the seven sea
Eight egotistical ectics arguing over egotistical ectasies
Nine nude newbalees nibbling on nads, nuts, and nicotine
Ten tremendously terrible Texas twisters terrorizing ten Texas twin-cities.

Each person in the circle has to repeat the first line. If they fail, they can quit, take one drink to try again or two drinks to hear the lymric repeated. After everyone can handle the first line, they have to repeat the first two lines and so on. Note the lack of s's on many of the words. This is very important as is pronunciation. For example 'ectasies' is pronounced strictly ect-asies, not ecstasies. Enjoy!

P.S. I learned that beer is a very effective aid to memorization. The morning after that game, I could spit that whole thing out. It also helps if you rap it. Waving arms, thug face, and all.

drinking game

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