Hello All!
Everything has been happening so fast, here in the Northwest and I wanted to share with you the recent events after Hurricane Katrina.
Tara has gone down to Houston with the Bio-Diesel Bus Project (Buses that run on vegi oil!). Their goal is to hook up with an organization that is transporting people from the superdome to neighboring cities and states. From Texas, they will be heading to a "sister city" (we think it will be Bayou LaBatre) to help with clean up and recovery efforts. I believe that she will be gone for at least the next couple of weeks--and possibly the next month.
I, with the support of many community members, have formed the "PT Katrina Relocation Committee". We are a group of concerned citizens wanting to take an active roll in supporting victims of Hurricane Katrina. Our goal is to assist, in monetary and real ways, the relocation, and re-settlement of families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Basically, we are a grassroots community-based group of citizens seeking to serve the needs of the displaced families that may seek to relocate to the Port Townsend area.
Currently, there is a family arriving today (Saturday), from New Orleans. They contacted me after finding my number on the PT Leader website. My understanding is that they had previously lived in PT, but moved to New Orleans a few years ago. We have raised over $2000 for the family and hope to raise more for the families in the area.
The community has been very active in the relief effort. If you want to know more, you can read the Leader Article:
http://www.ptleader.com/main.asp?SectionID=36&SubSectionID=55&ArticleID=13013 (There is a lovely little "misquote" from me...something about not being able to sit on my butt--which was actually a quote from the benefit organizer......arrggghhhh.)
I will keep everyone posted as to the whereabouts of the bus, and what's happening in PT!