Special Projects - Chapter 3

Apr 13, 2008 22:18

Title: Special Projects - Chapter 3
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R, for possible language and future scenes
Spoilers: Fragments, and season 1
Summary: Ianto joins the team, and Jack quite likes it.  But, what of this 'girlfriend?'
Author's Notes: Sorry it's been so long!  I've been all over the place: New Orleans, ect.  Hotel wireless is so unreliable..
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.

Chapter 3 - Special Projects

There was nothing that he wouldn't do for her. He'd even die for his Lisa. Oh, Lisa. Ianto could feel her in his arms. He could feel her breathing against him. He could even feel her hair on his face. It was as if he was lost in a dream. A really great, once-in-a-lifetime dream. But, each time Ianto woke, he found it was always Jack's skin against his.

What am I doing?Ianto thought. I should be home in our bed. I should be mourning! Or thinking, thinking of ways to save her.

Ianto got out of bed and went to the room where Lisa was staying.

She's not staying there. This isn't a vacation. Kept, like a sick dog in a kennel.

He opened the door as quietly as possible so as not to wake her, and went at once to her side. The metal was foreign to him, much different than the soft skin he remembered. Was she even really in there? Was she still his? Ianto began to cry and sway the both of them. He was so caught up in himself and his miseries that he didn't notice Lisa moving slightly on her own.

“Ianto. Oh, God. It huts.”

The voice surprised Ianto. It was so weak, so fragile.

“What are you doing awake, darling? Aren't the pills working anymore?”


“Shh, it'll be fine. I'll bring more down. Jack will know what to do.” Ianto's mind raced. Jack, will he really? Has he seen this before? If he hasn't - Oh, what am I doing? And, how much should tell her? Torchwood played a part in doing this to her, why should they help?

Ianto pulled her closer.

“You smell like someone else.”


Jack felt the bed shift. He heard Ianto move across the room. The door shut.

Bathroom, of course.

How long would it take for Ianto to accept what had happened? Why was he so reluctant to move on? Jack was sure he'd given the younger man more than enough reason, but it was possible that Ianto's life didn't revolve around sex quite as much as Jack's did.

It had been ten minutes since Ianto left. The other side of the bed was getting cold. Jack needed to feel Ianto beside him.

Jack set out to search, glancing first around his office, then down on the rest of the hub.

“Ianto!” he called. “IANTO!”

The pterodactyl flew overhead, screeching easily mimicking his yells.


The sounds echoed off of the walls and traveled easily to the lower levels.

“I need to go,” Ianto said. “But, I'll be back. Soon, I promise.” He tried his best to sound hopeful and reassuring, but he was worried his face betrayed him. Going to visit her and having to leave so quickly really tore him apart.

“Ianto, who is he? Stay with me; I'm scared!” Her voice was becoming more and more mechanical as she became more frantic.

“I'm so sorry.” Ianto kissed her and looked her reassuringly in the eyes. He hurried out of the room before he could think twice. He followed the sound of Jack's voice, and soon stood looking up at him. “Sir?”

“Ianto!” Jack said loudly. He was more alarmed than upset. “What are you doing? It's late!”

“Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd look for some chocolate to feed the bird.” Ianto looked at his feet. That's got to be the shittiest excuse in the universe. As if to justify it's use, Ianto added: “Ducks at the park always calmed me when I was younger.”

“All you had to do was look in Tosh's desk. I'm surprised she hasn't died of a chocolate overdose, she has so much.”

“Yeah, wasn't thinking.”

Jack could tell that Ianto was distracted. His heart just wasn't in the words he was saying. Every syllable sounded hollow. Ianto was obviously disheveled, as well. His eyes were puffy and red, and his lips were swollen like he'd been chewing on them. Jack cocked his head like a dog hearing some sound impossible for human ears.

“Were you crying?” Jack's tone was of pure concern.

“No,” Ianto said, causing Jack to raise an eyebrow. “Yes.”

“What's wrong?”

“Just thinking about Lisa,” Ianto said. “I keep thinking that there's something I can do. There has to be! But, I think, deep down, I know she's gone. Despite it all, I know she's gone.”

As he spoke Ianto's eyes filled with tears. The sight startled Jack, but wasn't this what he had wanted all along? Jack collected Ianto to him and held him tightly. Between whispered nonsense Jack said “Shh, it's fine now. I'm here.”

“But she's not! She's down there all alone! She needs me!” Ianto frantically motioned toward what Jack assumed was hell. Ianto really just meant down a few flights of stairs and a few hallways, but he couldn't tell Jack that. No, never.

“Ianto,” Jack said. “Everything will be fine. She'd want you to move on, to be happy, don't you think? You've got a new job, a new life. Embrace it.” Ianto collapsed onto the floor, bringing Jack with him, and sobbing harder than ever. “You've got me, now. I'll help you, love. I'll help.”

“I wish I knew what to do,” Ianto cried.

“Come to bed. Rest. You'll feel a lot better.”

When Ianto didn't reply Jack lifted Ianto and carried him to the bedroom, where he deposited the exhausted man on the bed and tucked him in. Jack climbed in the other side. Immediately, Ianto turned and cuddled up to Jack's bare chest. Jack put his ams around him, letting him cry, and kissed the top of his head and forehead comfortingly. He was was humming a song he remembered his mother singing to him.

Once Ianto started to quiet, his body slackened and his eyes started to droop. There was no way he'd be able to stay awake any longer. He was almost gone and yet..

“Jack?” Ianto's voice was sleepy, the words a little delayed.


“Please don't let me go.”

“Never.” Jack replied, smiling softly and completely honest.


Ianto could feel the warmth of the sun on his face. He smiled into it and spoke aloud. “What time is it?”

“Time for work,” Jack said.

Just then, something registered in Ianto. “I thought we were underground.”

“Sunlight simulator. I thought you looked a little pale. The vitamin D will do you well.”

Ianto didn't know what to say. What is Jack playing at? He couldn't possibly be concerned about me. Even I can tell he's a selfish bastard. Reluctantly, Ianto changed the subject. He liked the silence better, he found. In order to be taken seriously, Ianto sat up in bed. It was hard to be taken seriously, though, when he was dressed in such a bedroom manner.

“About last night. I didn't want you to see me like that.”

“Ianto, it's fine.” Even though the only I want to see you is naked and under me.

“Has anyone come in yet? Do I have time to shower?” Ianto was trying to change the subject yet again.

“They're already here. I made the coffee this morning. We really need you for that.” Jack laughed, but Ianto didn't say anything. “Go take your shower. Just be out in time to get lunch. They wouldn't even eat the pastries that I bought for breakfast.”

“Sounds more like it's you that needs me,” Ianto said. “But about last night. Really. It won't happen again.”

“Ianto. It's fine. Really. I'm here for you.” Jack slid a little closer to Ianto on the bed and put his hand on his back. “It'll be fine.”

“She's really gone, isn't she?” Jack rubbed his back. “She is-- I know it. I can feel it.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, I better get ready. And, I have to go to my flat later. I need clean clothes; I smell.”

“It's manly. I like it.”


“No! He can help!” Ianto was yelling louder than he really should have been, but Lisa just wasn't listening. How was he supposed to help her if she refused to trust anyone?

“Ianto. No. You don't know anything about him,” she said. Every word seemed a struggle and her face twisted with the pain of just existing.

“He understands things like this,” Ianto pressed. “Torchwood 3 isn't anything like what we were used to. These people are different.”

“I won't believe it.”

“If you don't trust them, then you don't trust me.”

“Ianto,” Lisa said helplessly. “Please don't.”

“How's the pain? Do you need anything? A blanket?”

“I'm -” Lisa winced, “I'm fine. No worse than usual.”

“Good, fine.” Ianto was so frustrated with his girlfriend. He wanted to much to help her, to have things the way they used to be, or at least close to it. Every day that passed that dream seemed more and more unlikely. “I have to go get lunch. I'll be back later. Bye.” He left, without looking back at her.

What Ianto wanted was to be with someone that he cared for and cared about him in return. Lisa was metal on the outside, but it seemed to seep into her each day. He could feel her drifting farther and farther away from him, and it made him feel empty and almost as cold as he imagined she did.

But life wasn't all bad. Waking up to Jack, having him next to him, even just looking at him made Ianto feel a bit warmer inside. It was as if he had swallowed that damn sunlight simulator and its rays were shooting out from his stomach. He hadn't felt like that since he and Lisa had first gotten together. So long ago, when their bodies were new and new land was always being discovered. But Jack already seemed to be a seasoned explorer; everything was so familiar to him. That, Ianto figured, was part of the problem. Ianto was a warm body and only that. Jack was a snake, moving from one person to the next, soaking up the heat and slithering on in silence.

jack/ianto, special projects, torchwood, pterodactyl poke, fanfiction

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