I see your true colours shining through....

Jul 26, 2009 18:30

Man I'm loving weekends again. Especially much more so now since the in-laws have finally left! This is our first weekend without them in close to 3 months and god and I thankful for the peace and quiet. I mean, it's not that I don't enjoy their company, but more so their TV watching habits.

One thing I can't stand is waking up in the morning to a blaring TV, not to mention Taiwanese frickin' game shows where it sounds like a riot is perpetually breaking out on stage. A riot with bells, whistles, and every stupid fucking sound effect that you can imagine all firing off at .25 second intervals. It's not conducive to a peaceful weekend morning. Unfortunately as long as they're home, the TV will always be on... *stress*

I need my peace and quiet, especially in the mornings. And doubly so on weekends! Thankfully now I'm getting some o' that. Anyway, it's been a nice quiet day spent at home today. Something I was really looking forward to doing after all the wedding day shenanigans of yesterday where Erica's cousin got married.

Just a day of me locking the door, taking my pants off, and strutting around my room like the pantless king I am whilst Erica is busy downstairs entertaining her gaggle of girlfriends whom are over.

I've been fudging with my new monitor of late trying to achieve image perfection. Recently I purchased a new Dell 2408WFP monitor to replace my relatively old 22inch. My primary reason for this was that my old monitor wasn't 1080p capable. Because of all the photo work I do, when I can be bothered, I decided that TN monitors can go screw themselves because I get so pissed off with their constant colour shifting and restricted viewing angle. Makes it really had to accurately do photo work. The 2408WFP is a S-PVA panel which is much much better. The viewing angle is absolutely incredible on this sucker and there's almost no colour shift whatsoever. Initially I was looking for an S-IPS panel monitor instead, but ended up settling on this.

Dell 2408WFP

The fact that the 2408WFP is a wide gamut monitor has it's pro's and con's. Pro, because it displays a far larger range of colours and is the way of the future. Cons, because the future isn't really here yet and as such the extra colour space is hardly utilized by the majority of photos that are floating around on the intwarweb. Also it means that viewing pics through any non-colour managed application looks like shit on my monitor with horrid over-saturation being the order of the day. So cheers to Firefox 3.5.1 for being a colour managed browser!

It unfortunately also threw open the lid on Pandora's hairy box that I wish I didn't open. Inside that box contained the bastard demon that is colour calibration. Because of the saturation issues on the wide gamut monitor, I had no idea what colours were accurate and what weren't. And so I ended up doing some research and springing for the Eye One Display 2 colour calibrator which I had to order from the US. Sure I could have ordered the Spyder 3 here locally, but I've read some issues about the unpredictability of the factory calibrated Spyders.

Eye One Display 2

The 2408WFP right out of the box to begin with was hugely over saturated with the reds and pinks on screen just searing your retina. After creating a custom ICC profile however, it was all good. Absolutely love it now. Haven't tested this bad boy with games yet but hopefully it'll hold up just fine. TN monitors look like crap, but they have the fastest response time and so are best for games. S-PVA have reported issues with response time and input lag but some people are more susceptible to these issues than others. Hopefully, I'm not one of them.

The whole process, as frustrating as it was, has taught me a whole bunch about colour spaces, colour management, colour profiles, etc etc etc... things that at times I wished I never knew! But I guess it's all worth knowing..... Hopefully we'll see more WG monitors hitting the market so that the Adobe RGB colour space can be more widely used.


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