Leave zip for cheapest shipping. Cat friendly home! I have some Hanna dresses and leggings that I still have to take pictures of too, hopefully I'll get those up later today.
12-18 month bathing suits- L-R Gymboree daisy, Old navy flowers, Gap fish. $4 each
Mini Boden flower patch corduroys. 12-18 m. $8
Tea Collection pink capris. 18-24 m, $5
Gymboree 18-24 mo birthday girl shirt. So adorable! $4
Tea Collection 12-18 mo dress. $8
Hanna Andersson 80 jammies. Owls and forest creatures, $5 each
Hanna Andersson 80 skiing cats jammies $5
Baby Gap 18-24 mos, cupcakes and ladybugs. $4 each
Old navy 18-24 cats pajamas. $3
Gymboree 18-24 night owl. $3
Carter's 18 mos little sister pajamas $2
Baby Gap 18-24 Halloween and giraffe pjs $3 each
Baby legs- snail and butterfly are Fuzzi Bunz brand. $2 each