This is the dream Julia had the other night. While she's dreamed before (Elpis), this one feels different; it feels like it's about her, at least until the end. I'm not friends-locking this because there aren't any spoilers for the game in it, so folks can feel free to speculate on whether it means anything to the game as a whole. :)
You dream that you're lying in a bed. There's a soft, white/gold light around you, but you can't identify its source. The sheets under you are soft and smooth, and although you aren't wearing clothes, you don't feel cold or exposed.
A man enters the room. He's about your age, with dark hair and fair skin. He's large around the middle and wears an expression of eagerness, but stares at you almost hungrily. It's not the kind of obscene, terrifying hunger you saw in the Pandoran's eyes, though. This is a hunger you can't identify, but it's not threatening. It's actually a bit inviting.
He steps closer and you realize you don't know the words to ask what's happening. You glance out the window and realize you're in the RV's bed, and that all of the metal around you is gold. The man lays down next to you and presses his mouth against yours, and you feel his heart beating, his blood pulsing, and realize that he is human...and he loves you.
He moves on top of you, and his skin is warm, his touch gentle. You open to him and are lost in motion and sensation...
...and then a gust of cold air. A door opens. Marty stands there, looks at the man, and says "Who the fuck are you?"
The man looks down at you and his expression turns from love to horror. He backs away, but you can't move, your body trying to hold on to the sensation for just a bit longer...
The RV crumbles around you. The bed's sheets turn coarse and scratchy, and you hear monsters outside. The man looks at you desperately, and then back at Marty. "What the hell..."
Marty walks to him and slaps him. "Wake up!"
Everything fades, and you slip into deeper, dreamless sleep.