Title: Close Encounters With Mars
Written for:
b_akakamePairing: Akame
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~10,300
Disclaimer: All of this is fiction.
Note: This story can also be read at
the Archive of Our Own.
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes: To my recipient-hope you enjoy!
Summary: Two singers walk into a concert, and one of them says to the other…
Close Encounters With Mars )
I like it a lot that you used The Encounter as the starting point for this.Their conversation is great too and somehow I can really picture it having been just exactly like that. And I love Jin insisting on Kame joining them afterwards and I’m glad Kame did. But who can resist the powers of the Akanishi anyway?
Also Kame being all bitchy and Jin being so pushy and demanding explanations later is just great. And I like how the way Jin is behaving around Kame just underlines how well they know each other and that they aren’t strangers to each other at all, even though things are a bit complicated between them as it seems.
The darts match is just priceless and who even thought that was a good idea? (Someone should keep Jin away from the alcohol, really!)
The way things turn out in the club bathroom were a bit of a surprise at first. Though a very pleasant one! And it’s awesome how you portrayed them so close and familiar yet so far away and distant.
”Wait… at punning, or fucking?”
Awwwww, Jin. xD (No, really forget what I said about keeping him away from the alcohol. Drunk Jin is pretty awesome.)
And then there’s the shower sex. *_* Okay, to be very honest, I didn’t think I’d get that one, but now I have it and it’s not only so very very very hot, but they’re also so clumsy and failing so hard at times and that’s like the bestest combination ever. I totally agree with Jin that the shower was a very good idea. (No, really, I could hug you now just for the shower sex! Also yes, I’m totally ignoring what happened to Jin’s poor wallet, because a) it’s totally his own fault and b) it was worth it.)
”Jin, I am not washing whipped cream and chocolate out of my sheets again.”
OMG, I think you just broke my brain. *g* Oh, Jin…
I like a lot what you did with their relationship. The fooling around when they were younger and all the hardships they had to face. How they always were something special, but it was never easy and there were Jin’s doubts and then Jin just went and did what he wanted without ever telling Kame. IDK, it just fits so very very well. And it also fits how they just can’t be without each other. And how mature Kame is about things now and even though it’s not a 20+ chapters story, you beautifully managed to describe how much Kame has changed and how much he grew up since they started what they had.
And I also like how Jin just wants to find the best way for himself to have it all, even though his way of getting it is a bit… well. *g* (I totally feel Kame there. >_< And I can also totally see that too…)
The honesty between them is just great though and Kame…KAME. *_*
”It’s always going to be complicated when you do what you do.”
Jin is such a smart guy, really. *g*
I love how they finally made things work between them for real now and how they settled things and how it’s both of them being a bit doubtful, but the other one is always there to support their decisions, because they know they can make this work and that it’s just going to be awesome.
And what you did with the interview in the end was very brilliant too and I love how the end of this story is about the concert again, only so much has happened in between and things did change a lot for Kame and Jin in the meantime. Oh and btw, I like that you dropped those mentions of Bruno Mars songs here and there throughout the story!
(Oh and the collar bones! When I’m not busy loving Kame when he fails, I love him for being evil. *g*)
Really, thank you so much for writing this for me! This was awesome from the beginning to the end. I loved their whole story and how they just work no matter what they do, how they can’t be without the other and the way they just kind of complement each other in so many different ways. And the awesome shower sex, of course. *///* (I might get a reputation if I continue flailing… uU”) I also love your writing style and all the details you put into this! This is such a heartwarming, realistic, sweet, hot and amazing story and I love it a lot. (I so hope Kame is going to meet Theia soon and that she won’t eat his jewelry. *g*) I really can’t thank you enough for writing this amazing piece. (And for me even. ;_;) ♥
I’ve sort of had this title and a vague sense that I wanted to use The Encounter as a catalyst for something in my head pretty much since…April. ;) But I couldn’t decide where to go with it-if it should be just the start of something long and gradual, like they’re really starting from zero again, or if it should be more like this, where the whole thing focuses on this incident and its immediate aftermath. But your “if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all” prompt sent me toward the latter, and also toward this idea that they’ve had an ongoing relationship for a number of years, and it pretty much already is exactly the real relationship they both want, except that they’re not calling it that or treating it that way.
(Also, making them squabble like children is always fun. And alcohol + Akame + pointy objects, well… ;)
And then there’s the shower sex. *_* Okay, to be very honest, I didn’t think I’d get that one
Oh come now. You didn’t really think I would be able to resist a prompt like that, did you? (Though I did have a moment of, “hmm, how to make shower sex new and interesting…I guess make them do it with their clothes on?” ;)
”Jin, I am not washing whipped cream and chocolate out of my sheets again.”
OMG, I think you just broke my brain. *g* Oh, Jin…
Lol-well, I figure they were having secret sex for a lot of years…had to find some inventive ways to keep it interesting… ;)
And how mature Kame is about things now and even though it’s not a 20+ chapters story, you beautifully managed to describe how much Kame has changed and how much he grew up since they started what they had.
\o/ Thank you! This is…kind of one of the things I was going for. For some odd reason I find it hard to hold onto the mature/self-sufficient side of Kame’s personality when I write from his perspective, and I felt like that was important to have here. Especially amid all the childish bickering with the darts and so forth. (Weirdly, it’s the opposite with Jin-he always seems to come across more mature when I’m writing from his POV… O.o)
And I also like how Jin just wants to find the best way for himself to have it all, even though his way of getting it is a bit… well. *g*
Thanks! And yeah…sometimes I think this is kind of Jin in a nutshell. He doesn’t mean any harm-he just wants what he wants. And…well… ;)
When I’m not busy loving Kame when he fails, I love him for being evil. *g*
Meeee tooooo… failnashi<3 evilnashi<3
And the awesome shower sex, of course. *///* (I might get a reputation if I continue flailing… uU”)
(…Too late. I happened to remember you blackmailing certain people we know to write you a shower sex fic about a year ago, so…that was another reason I couldn’t resist the prompt… ;)
(I so hope Kame is going to meet Theia soon and that she won’t eat his jewelry. *g*)
(Lol, since you mention it…I actually kind of wrote that scene too. I had to cut it in the end because it didn’t fit very well into the story arc-but I might polish it up and post it as a short companion piece at some point.)
Thank you for the lovely comment!! I’m really glad you enjoyed the story! <3
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