Do You Hear What I Hear?

Jan 01, 2010 01:15

*It is early in the morning on New Year's Day, whenst all through the castle comes the sound of an organ playing and a voice echoing through the walls, singing in a low, haunting way a song that seems almost holy...for yes, le Phantome has found a new home, underneath the floor of the castle's chapel, and has stolen the organ from that room so that it could occupy the catacombs with him.*

Paaaanis angelicuuus...fiiiit paanis hominuuum...Daaaat paanis caeaalicuus...fiiiguris termiinuuuum...

*Yet unaware of how his song would penetrate, but truly not caring all that much, the man called a ghost plays the organ and sings; although his new home wasn't to the level of grandeur that he had grown accustomed to underneath the Operahouse, his feet were warm and he'd already sculpted out a desk and covered it with drafts of sheet music and random sketches de son it would do, pour le momente.*

Oooo res miirabilis...maaaanduucat Dominuuum...pauuuuper, pauuuuper, seeervus, et huumiliiis...pauuuuper, pauuuuper, seeervus et humiliiiiis...

((OOC: Yes, le Phantome gathered that la Noel was upon us, due to the gifts and coldness of the castle. Doesn't really know what day it is (for I am backdating this to early New Years Day), but he wanted to sing as that's all he's ever done to celebrate such things...hell, he hates God for his own reasons, but he was raised Christian, so what are you gonna do? XD If anyone wants to hear him, or even end up stumbling into him underneath the chapel, the wall at the back of the chapel is a secret door, opened if one steps on a certain tile where the preacher would stand; go down the stairs and there will be le Phantome. Oh, and yes, he sounds a lot like Josh Groban singing this song. 8D))

ysosilent, melodicduck, tru_loves_kiss

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