
Dec 13, 2008 19:54

October 5th was the last time I posted anything!?
Geez..... I really need to update this more .

But hell, I'm a procrastinator, I just keep putting it off.
So, good things...good thing...
I got by ToS Manga.. ages ago. XD I actually managed to translate it, I just read it through the sticky notes i put over the speech bubbles, I can't be bothered to translate it every time I  want to read it.
But I love it so much~ It's full of fluffy oyako goodnes~

I'm getting really excited for christmas too, you'd think at 16, I wouldv'e outgrown the whole "getting really excited"thing, but no. I can't wait. 12 days to go.... Why can't it be Christmas now!?

Nyeh..... I'm rambling... I don't like my postss being too long...


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