Better Quote

Mar 31, 2006 10:44

"Let me venture to introduce myself: I am a vagabond variable, viz., a vermifuge against veiled villainy, a vivisection of vermin, a valediction to varletry, a ventilation of venom, a veritable Via Dolorosa of vexation, a vanguard of virtue and a vaunted valentine to vengeance: with verve I vanquish and then vanish like vapor. With the vantage of valor I visit the valleys of shadow to venge and to vindicate, the vigilance of my vendetta becoming the vehicle of your deliverance, O virtuous vestal, from these verminous vampires in this verboten, vesperal vector. And as this velvet vers libre veers close to violet vainglory, I end this vaudeville and beg you to call me V."

This is a better quote.

violet vainglory indeed.
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