This is a fantasy that I just had to get out of my head and into literature. Hey, while I'm at it, it's probably good practice to build essay writing skills.
Resting on the waving mattress with his left arm rested above her abdomen and his right buried underneath her back, together they watched the credits roll on the television that rested on a cluttered dresser. The Cold Bear Report had finished. He lifted his cheek, which had been nestled against her soft chest, and she proceeded to get up from the waterbed. She headed towards the bathroom with a fresh towel draped over her shoulder and walked out the doorway while the door creaked slowly behind her as it barely closed. He sprawled his arms and legs out and stared deeply at the ceiling and walls covered in random posters and calendar inserts. Most of the posters on the ceiling consisted of one particular anime series he clearly remembers watching back when it aired on FOX11. The television remained on as he studied each and every single picture on the ceiling and walls, identifying characters he recognized, remembering old memories brought back to life, and learning new images of which he had never seen before.
15 minutes had passed, the creaking of the door could be heard as she came back into the room, clothed only with a wrapped, wet towel around her midsection. Her crimson locks draped down upon her milky white skin and burrowing into her cleavage like streams of goldish-red wine. By childish instinct, he immediately hid his face underneath the covers, but couldn't help but peek just a teeny bit at her mysterious beauty. He felt his face flush shyly as she climbed back into the liquid-filled bed, removing the towel from her body after drying herself of every droplet of water that clung to her body and hair. She had preferred to let the environment of the room to dry and adjust the warmth her nude body, because it would be better than to wear damp clothing while in bed.
To calm himself and his racing heart, without hesitation, he returned his arms and cheek to their previous position upon her. She allowed his immediate embrace and kept him close against her body. His warm cheek pressed against her naked breast as his arms wrapped snuggly around her silky body. She was cold, but internal body heat emitting from him slowly transferred onto her. Soon, his cheek felt as if it were resting on a warm, silky pillow while he smiled greatly in his state of heavenly trance. She reached for the light and turned the switch. The room became dark with only the gentle brightness of the television still on. His mind was still racing a mile a minute with only one question he wanted to ask her before they fall into the peaceful slumber for the night. He reached for the remote and turned off the television. The gentle light from the laptop monitor gave the room enough light for him to gaze upon her. She was like a silhouette in his eyes, but he could still see her detailed body as she rested on the mattress. With all his courage built up, he took a gentle breath and parted his lips as the words he wanted to ask escaped to her...