British Raj

Mar 07, 2012 10:01

Индия,конец XIX века.
Photographs from "The King's Empire" by J. H. Bacon, изданной в Лондоне,повторно в 1906г.
Названия фоток авторские ...хотя на первой скорее manufacture of gashish,чем opium

A Brahmin performing pujah

Sifting tea in Assam

A post office in an Indian tea districtoffice

The Loop, Agony Point, Darjeeling Railway

The Burra Bazaar, Calcutta

Government House, Calcutta

Village life in Bengal

A view in Budh Gya, India

Burning ghat, Benares

The mosque of Aurungzebe, Benares

The Cashmere Gate (Delhi)

A nautch dance, India

The Lower Bazaara, Simla

Dharamsalla church

Halt of a caravan at Peshawur


Quetta fruit market

Human nest, Balochistan

Maharaja's College, Jeypore

South Indian village

Meenachi temple, mantapam

The festival of the Mahamakam at Kumbakonam, South India

A giant monolith, the Siva bull

The manufacture of pottery in Madras

A Toda hut, India

Colombo, Ceylon

The twin falls, Rambodda, Ceylon

Prisoners in the Andaman Islands

A ball in the Andaman Islands

Hindu school

Worship by the wayside, or scenes in India

A royal marriage in India

Hindu marriage ceremony

Carpet weaving in India

Drying silk cocoons in India

Snake charmers in India

Camels passing through the city gates, India

Providing the revenue of India a government salt factory

Market square at Peshawur

Native jugglers at Darjeeling / Moslems at prayer in Delhi

history, india

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