Soi Fong Hair Attempt 467 @_@

Jan 16, 2007 22:09

I have gained a new respect for Soi Fong (the anime character whom I stole my hairstyle from x3) and anyone else who wraps their hair up in ribbons.  ...I've just spent the past HOUR wrapping up on braid.  And I can't attach the bloody ring to the end.  xP  No matter what I try it looks hideous.  I don't know how Soi Fong does it.  ._.

And I only have ONE side done.  ...agh.  And I don't really wanna undo it.  All that ribbon.  All that time.  @_@  ...but the other side.  Gah.

And I love fat ribbon.  It is happy.  I was using skinny, skinny ribbon and it took like ten minutes to cover an inch.  ...and then I found fat ribbon.  It is love.  xD

...*stares at the other side unhappily*  Agh.  I have a feeling I'm going to be staying up very late... doing my hair that will probably get messed up when I go to sleep.  >_@  Yes, I'm an idiot, but I want Soi Fong hair, and there's no way I can wake up early enough to do this in the morning.  Meh.

Onto braid two.

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