Mindfulness CBT as Effective as Antidepressants in Preventing Depression
Deborah Brauser
December 9, 2010 - Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is as
effective in preventing relapse in patients with recurrent major depressive
disorder (MDD) as maintenance antidepressant monotherapy, the current
standard of care, new research suggests.
In this study, 84 patients with MDD were randomized after achieving
remission to receive continued antidepressant use, MBCT, or placebo. For
the patients deemed "unstable remitters" with periodic symptom flurries,
the relapse rates during 18 months of follow-up did not differ between the
MBCT and antidepressant groups (28% vs 27%) but was significantly higher in
the placebo group (71%).
For more information on Mindfullness CBT check out:
The Center For Cognitive Behavioral Therapy