(no subject)

Mar 19, 2008 23:03

eeeeee! I am busy, busy, busy right now but I just had to hop online to announce:

Sparta, my male rat, is officially litterbox trained!!! (extreme joy)

I noticed he was always pooping in the corners of his cage so I got a corner box instead of the basic square I had been trying and PRESTO he figured out the box within days. There has not been a single stray poop on any level of his cage so far. None around the box either. All the poop is in the box. (beside the box is only a pile of dried banana from his Suebee mix. I guess that is his trashcan and his way of telling me he is not pleased with the dried stuff!)

AND all the pee too, it seems. I have read that it is nearly impossible to make a rat of any gender pee in the box because it is just instinct to urinate on what they own. My Sparta has only peed on me once and it was after a very long play session so I think he just could not hold it anymore (he was very young). Since then there has been no accidents.

Now his levels are so clean and nonsticky. The annoying SuperPet design with grooves along the shelves has been defeated: no pee rivers in those cracks for my boy!

I am so thrilled and proud of my little (big!) man.

I know, this must seem odd and anticlimatic to most people reading this but I am so happy. His cage is so clean looking in comparison to the girls.

*happy sighs* Oh, and he is still the love hungry bug he has always been. He sleeps like the dead, but once he sees me and gets a good yawn or two out he'll amber over slowly to sit on or near me. I often offer him yogies then but he takes them uncaring but willing to take it just to make me happy. He asks nothing more from me but companionship. He is so charming I think I named him wrong!

My Spartan makes Love not War.

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