*sigh* 7 more needless deaths today. An accident, simply an accident. It is all in the job. It is expected. Hell, if my plane was going 12000mph, and about 1million degrees.....I would think I would die anyway.
friday was cool.
tigerlillee13 came out to the Saloon for a bit....being tired she left early. I went over to DirtyBoy's, which feeling f;in hyper that I just drive 2 hours, and did NOT want to be watching crappy TV at his place......I called
jenn713m, dragged her to the Saloon for the rest of the night, to experience SC bar scene. Scary huh? Hung with her for awhile, then crashed there.
Woke up, made calls, got B-fast alone, found out the parking ministry is closed on Saturdays, so I went to Adam's for awhile watching cartoons waiting for someone to call me, and gave him my ticket and $.
He kicked me out, and I headed to Gretchen's for awhile to hang out with her. She has 2 CUUUUUTE mice!! I never knew they would be that cute, but really...they poop too much. Damn. Though the squeeky toy one was fun :-D
That was nice to hang out with her, since I never have gotten to do that before! She made me lunch (ok, it was a snackbar and juice) for my ride home :-D heeheee
Headed downtown to find
tigerlillee13, CC2, and Justin.
I miss betsy :( I wished I could have stayed longer, but I need to get some insulin in me. I should go do that now.
more on that later.