Feb 16, 2005 20:56
x\\ spell your name backwards: noraa
x\\ have you ever had a song written about you: nopey
x\\ what song makes you cry: none
x\\ what song makes you happy: lots and lots
x\\ what's your all time fav. song?: many
x\\ what do you listen to before you go to sleep: wutever i grab before i go downstairs
x\\ height: 5'8"
x\\ hair color: natural: dark brown now: blue/green mohawk
x\\ piercings: lip
x\\ tattoos: not as of yet but really really soon
Right Now . . .
x\\ what color pants are you wearing: light blue PJ's wit milkshakes and ice cream on them
x\\ what song are you listening to: River City Rebels- Hate To Be Loved
x\\ whats the weather like?: cold and shitty
x\\ how are you?: bored as hell
x\\ get motion sickness?: nope
x\\ have a bad habit?: umm.. i dunno
x\\ get along with your parents?: of course i get along wit my mom (no dad)
x\\ boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
x\\ have a big regret: i got a few
Favorite . . .
x\\ tv show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
x\\ conditioner: i dont wash or anythin my hair
x\\ book: Red Dragon
x\\ non alchohol drink: pop
x\\ alchohol drink: any beer
x\\ things to do on the weekend: chill wit friends
Have You Ever . . .
x\\ broken the law: oh yea haha
x\\ ran away from home: no
x\\ snuck out of the house: well i snuck out onto my porch haha
x\\ ever gone skinny dipping: no
x\\ made a prank phone call: i still prank call
x\\ tipped over a portapotty: tried to
x\\ use your parents credit card: no
x\\ skipped school before: many many times
x\\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: yea but iwas really sick
x\\ been in a school play: thank god no
x\\ had children: no never
x\\ been in love: yes
x\\ been hurt?: indeed
Random . . .
x\\ have a job: well i kinda work for a teacher at skool and i work security at shows sometimes
x\\ your cd player has what in it right now: River City Rebels and Now In Stores
x\\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: black or red
x\\ what makes you happy?: lots and lots
x\\ the next CD you're going to buy: dunno
When/What Was the Last . . .
x\\ you got a real letter: umm.. last summer
x\\ got an email: myspace shiznit
x\\ thing you purchased: umm.. drink
x\\ Tv program you watched: Angry Beavers
x\\ movie you saw in the theaters: White Noise it fuckin sucked
x\\ hugged: earlier
x\\ song heard: No Easy Way Out- River City Rebels
x\\ place you were [ besides home ]: skool
x\\ phonecall: Dillan
x\\ you were depressed: dont remember
x\\ you were in the hospital: over tha summer
When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
x\\ car: mom
x\\ murder: people i hate
x\\ cape: cod
x\\ cell: phone
x\\ shoe: boot
x\\ fun: tryin to skate wit my ninjas
x\\ crush: junior fallin on dave
x\\ music: amazing
x\\ chalk: dust