WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!! another big update

Dec 04, 2006 17:22

So this update came a lot later than I thought, sue me. Anyhow, as you probably have figured out, a LOT has been keeping me busy. Most recently, my boss/partner quit 2 weeks ago. I must say though, I have learned a lot so far, and Im hoping it wont be so bad, but lets be honest. The job was stressful enough with 2 people, and while Im not clueless, Mike(my boss) has had 10 years of experience to my 1. So I still have lots of questions and learning to do. Just trying to stay positive, Im sure I'll gain something from all this. But I really think its time I begin updating my portfolio so I'll be ready to depart as well.

November up til now, has pretty much been about the gym. My love life seems to be going ok. Not so much else going on. But that alone is enough. lol BUT, this month also marks the beginnings of results, as people have began asking me if I've been "working out" lately. This Saturday before I met up with a few friends I noticed my chest was actually beginning to poke out from underneath my shirt, and I know Ive NEVER seen that before. I still have a long way to go before achieving the mass I want but that will take more than a few months. Right now, Im satisfied in knowing that what Im doing is working. As for everything else, lets backtrack to some of the more exciting events from November and October with pics from Thanksgiving, my Birthday, and my way too short Vacation.


I really enjoy visiting my Mom, it's such a nice break from being in the city all the time. I can actually look outside and see nature, not hear beeping horns of crazy cabs or see flashing lights on every corner. I think now that Im older, and have come out to my mom, Its easier to talk, and that makes it so much more enjoyable to hang out or go for a drive. Its so relaxing, and this Thansgiving it was as relaxing as ever, plus my mom got to meet two people who are very special to me. sophistiphunk7 and udjat212.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving. sophistiphunk7 psykosketch and udjat212

I knew my mom would like these two, and being that udjat212 is also a teacher, I knew that would give them a lil something extra to talk about. I always liked the fact that my mom could get along and joke around with my friends and love interests. Growing up myself and my friends alike always thought of my mom as the "cool" mom. Its funny cause she never actually tried to be "cool", but she just had that certain way of interacting with us. I cant really explain it, but I've always loved that about her.

Although, mom doesn't like to be caught off guard in pictures. lol

Thanksgiving itself was very enjoyable, just a simple quiet evening of good food and conversation. Just me, my mom,my stepdad(who happens to be my best friends uncle), sophistiphunk7 and udjat212. After all that was said and done came my favorite thing from over the past holiday seasons...Black Friday! There werent TOO many good Bratz deals, but Im sure those will come up closer to X-Mas. What was funny and sad at the same time is how viscious people get on Black Friday, and heres my proof, an ambulence outside Walmart that Friday morning. If theres one time to fear soccer moms, its Black Friday. Those ladies are professionals. Stay away from the mini-vans, I repeat, STAY AWAY from the minivans. lol

Black Friday, yes folks, its that serious. lol

What's even funnier is when I walked into EBgames that morning. I didnt even want one but there sat 4 PS3s behind the register, by the time I got up to it, there were 2 left! I couldve bought one if I wanted it. All those morons that waited for a week in the rain, most ot even getting it, and here I am just walkin' in and OH, a ps3? nah, no thanks. Ill wait til the newer debugged version and when it drops in price.

Oh, and how could I forget catching sophistiphunk7 eating 1, 2, oh that box of cinnabons looks half empty! Ok i'll admit it, I helped him.


Back In October, my birthday was a mixture of highs and lows, but mostly highs. Let me just start off by saying, when planning a birthday party, don't EVER plan it with an aquaintence or a friend of a friend. To make a long story short. I planned my birthday party with a aquaintance/friend of a friend. We thought hey, 2 people equals more guests, more mingling, more interesting. YEA that is if your co-host actually shows up on time! This chick showed up 2 hours late with no call or anything, leaving me with her pissed off guests. Now not that 12 is that bad to show up to a party, but if we were gonna split a bill then you should at least have the consideration to call me if you are going to be that late. So once she got there, me and my friends bounced. Some went home unfortunately but most of us just headed to go dancing.

Unfortunately I really dont remember much from this night at all, other than previously mentioned and the 1st 30min that I took pictures with everyone at the club. My friend JoJo, (whose cheek kiss looks like he's sniffing my face,) is a fantastic bartender. His drinks just tend to be on the strong side, and since I hadnt really eaten much due to running around all day preparing for this party, I got REALLY drunk REALLY fast. I havent been that drunk in 2 years! The good thing is my friends took care of me, and I didnt throw up on anyone. According to my friends though, I turn into a demon when I am that fucked up.lol Lesson Learned- No matter how high your tolerance, dont drink on a half empty stomach.

After that disastrous Friday, I spent Saturday night at a friends luxurious hotel Slumber Party, where I woke up Sunday morning to a birthday cake and balloons. Then the following tuesday which was my actual birthday, my friends and I all went out to a b-day dinner which totally made up for the previous. I even got some nice gifts too, somewhat of an alarming number from one person in particular but I guess its ok. I just felt somewhat uncomfortable receiving so many from one person, even if we are close. Not to discredit anyone at all, but my gay friends really came through this year, making my birthday a really memorable one. So I guess it didnt turn out so bad afterall.


Also this past October, I decided to take a vacation. Nothing major, but still that much needed time away from it all. My good friend Dell(who I dont see often since he lives out of state) invited me to accompany him and his 2 other friends to a cruise in the Bahamas for a few days, a gay cruise at that. I think this was the first real vacation without my mom so I was excited. While the trip wasnt long, I still got to share some pretty cool experiences, my favorite, riding the jet skis. That was the hottest thing ever, especially when you whip it around really quick and make that huge arc of water. I felt so Miami Vice lol, which is actually where the trip started.

I just liked the fact that we went off on our own, we didnt do the touristy thing. We got a map, rented motorbikes, and rode around the city. It really was quite an experience. We eventually found ourselves on the beach, but the way there was so amazing. Riding through the marketplace and backroads, across a huge open bride with nothing but the clear blue water and sunshine all around. It was almost kind of dangerous, but I guess that sense of danger made it that much more thrilling. The beach was nice though. I was intrigued at how some of the locals would react to such a large gay crowd, and as I expected there were a few verbal fights, but nothing major. I just cant believe that after all that, they still tried to sell us a ride on the banana boats...ignorant fucks.

And no, I am NOT in that lineup of asses. lol

On the ship itself, we had some um, rather interesting entertainment. Strippers never really do anything for me, not sure why, they just dont. But anyway, I happened to mention to my friend Dell that one of 'em I thought was cute, nothing major, I didnt want his number, didnt need to meet him,just cute. Long Story short I shouldve kept it to myself cause he brings him over to give me a lap dance. lol I was a tad embarrassed, especially since it was caught on film, but it was all in fun.

The dinners were cool too, they were all themed. 70s, formal, all white. A tad corny but it made an ordinary dinner that much more fun. 70s night those pants were so tight you could see everybody's business. Some of the events had open bar too so that made things even more interesting, and the drinks were surprisingly potent being free! lol It was fun just getting away from it all, even if only for 4 days, I got hit on quite a few times, but thats expected coming on a gay cruise, they funniest was when a group of us, coming back from the white party, got ambushed by all these horny middle-aged women. lol We took a few pictures with 'em unfortunately only on their cameras, but it was so hilarious their reaction when they realized we weren't straight. lol "Ya'll too fine to be gay!" Yea lady, do you live under a rock? I think she just was surprised because we werent a pack of flaming stereotypical sissys. But ehhh, whatever.

WOOOOO that drink packed a punch!

Checkout homegirls hair in the motorcycle pic, now THAT'S a weave!

The last and most certainly odd thing I got to see was this random pirate ship in the middle of the ocean. I just thought it was the coolest thing ever, and luckily I got a picture of it. How random! So I guess that sums it up! til next time, stay sexy.

thanksgiving, life, birthday, vacation, memories, friends

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