Work has really kept me busy and out of the lj lop lately but now that I actually have a few minutes Ill get to some LONG OVERDUE meme's I was tagged for by
furusushi They are both fairly simple and to the point. Much more to post about this week so stay tuned.
10 things that make me happy
1. small intimate gatherings w/ good friends
2. train rides with my ipod
3. shopping but especially when theres a sale!
4. loving and knowing that I'm loved in return
5. being photogenic, hey, it's a gift lol
6. cartoons and toys (bratz dolls for the most part but I love all toys)
7. my youthful spirit
8. saturday afternoon sunlight peering through my window
9. sleeping til noon
10. drawing in my sketchbook
Ok I'll get to the 2nd meme 2morrow. But for now I tag,
truyuanfen, and