Jan 22, 2008 13:00
So, anyway, where to begin? I guess I'll get the good stuff out of the way. Ash's mom got a new car. We've now got the freedom to drive wherever we want and whenever we want, provided we can afford the fuel. This happened YESTERDAY. I and the rest of the "family" rode out to the "dealership" and picked up the car. I was ridiculously exhausted at the time, but managed to find some reserve of energy to drive in an alert fashion.
I am very happy with all of this, because I'm normally a ridiculously independant person. Ash got our car with the intention of myself being the driver so we could have our transportation whenever and wherever we needed it, and it was just one of many irritants when I got here that I had to share something that I understood would be mine. Mom-in-law type person can be very stubborn, and makes random plans requiring(our) transportation without consulting us first - and then just seems to expect us to want to go along with it. I've never liked it when people make assumptions, and it seems like I'm constantly the target of these sorts of assumptions. So, anyway, avoiding making a shitload of unnecessary complaints, life just became a lot less stressful. My thanks to Mosh for making a good choice.
I got a kitten! He's a fucking midget! OH SHIT HE'S CUTE! I named him STEAMLORD! AFTER AN OBSCURE ENEMY IN METROID PRIME 3! I AM A FUCKING NERD! Seriously, though, he's a munchkin cat - he has tiny dwarf legs, and when he sits up on his ass, they hang down and he looks 10 million times as adorable as a meerkat. I AM SO FUCKING POSESSIVE OVER THIS CAT, HIS LOVE IS ALL FOR ME YOU CAN'T HAVE IT. I got him the weekend before Christmas from a very kind breeder, and because the breed is not overly recognized in Australia he was cheaper than you'd expect. I do not recall the history of his lineage just this moment, but I do have a pedigree stashed away somewhere.
Ash and I just saw the movie Cloverfield, and damn it was awesome. I suppose you folks that are easily motion-sick (Amanda, lookin' at you) might have a hard time watching it, but it is easily one of the best movies I've ever seen. It is also the only FRIGHTENING movie I have ever seen. There are plenty of movies that make you jump, but this one tramples them all with giant grotesque monster feet. Awesome.