(no subject)

Nov 17, 2005 11:29

heh.. apparently the new 'thing' for the news people to talk about in Iraq is going to be our use of White Phosphorus in Fallujah. I have seen some stories about it.. they are relatively humorous because they show that the people writing these stories didn't bother to go find out what WP actually is, and is used for.

So, I will give an explanation here, so that none of you will be caught up in the new hysteria of the week.

White Phosphorus burns when it contacts oxygen, like Magnesium, just not as hot and with a lot more smoke. Magnesium is used in aerial flares and tracer rounds. WP, because it makes a little fire, but a LOT of smoke is primarily used for.. get this.. smoke bombs.

We have used them in every major conflict since WWII.

We also use artillery rounds made from WP for.. smoke bombs.

Now.. don't get me wrong.. if you are standing close to one of these when it goes off, you are going to get burned. There WILL BE white phosphorus flying around in the air. On the other hand.. if I am ever forced to choose between standing next to a WP grenade and a high explosive or fragmentation grenade.. I'm going to choose the WP.

(and I mean.. what the hell.. IT'S A GRENADE! IT BLOWS UP! GRENADES DO THAT!)
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