Dec 04, 2006 18:35
i've finished all my Chrimbo shopping and it looks like I'll actually be able to pay it all off when the Visa bill comes!! WEEEE! I got random shit for most people, but I wanted to get my mom something really nice, so I splurged quite a bit and got her a bunch of Chanel stuff. I get my princess persona from her, so I'm pretty sure she'll like it. I'm a bit worried about the comic I got for my cousin - afraid that his parents will be pissed at me for getting it for him as it's a bit violent - but fuck it. If he gets scared, he can just put it away.. If his parents don't like it? Well, they already think I'm a bad influence, so I guess it won't get much worse. I doubt they'll take the time to really flip through it properly, so..! Actually, I'm kind of regretting the decision, but I know I can't return it or even exchange it. Maybe I'll just keep it and get him something else? :( MAN.
Ho hum, nothing of interest here. I have this career counsellor appointment tomorrow which looks promising. I guess we'll see. Some family friends have also offered to help me out a bit, so that's really good. One has a job opening at her human resources department, so that would make me mildly happy. I don't know, I guess I'm still deep in the rabbit hole. Still, all that would be better than a call centre.. except, it'd be much more permanent and fixed and just affirm how boring everything is.
smile!! :)