Mar 20, 2007 20:44
So I haven't posted in forever. I am doing amazing. Planning to hike the pacific crest next year and am very very very excited. Like I am going to try and make all of my stuff I can so next weekend it is trip to the store with the ultra light weight fabrics that last long times. My first task is to make a backpack. we are going to California in the beginning of May to visit Phillip and check out death valley and such so I want to have the backpack for that and test it out. Really it is just a goal for me to have something done and not procrastinate. I think that is what I am most excited about as well...normally I put things off. And I have been reading a lot of hiking guides and such for the pacific crest and I so am getting excited and cannot wait to go (even though it is over a year away). It should be fun times!
Also I told my friend Brandon about my Hump 3 movie idea and he is going to help me film it. It should be amazing. i just need to find my 2 people now. It will be amazing. Now I think it will be either too weird to make it to the finals, or so weird it makes it to the finals. Kinda up in the air right now, but we shall see after it is filmed how it goes. But yeah it is going to be fun times.
What else. This week started off pretty awful at work, but it is getting better. My boss came out to happy hour with us last week which was fun times. I do really enjoy working with her. Yeah. Oh and I called Patricia this weekend and she was all it has been a rough couple of weeks but I am up in Bellingham I let her go. Then Jacalen called me 3 times this evening to see if I could go to dinner with both of them on Thursday, which is odd as well normally she will call once, leave a message and then I will call her back when I have a chance and all is well. Well she was saying how things have been bad for Patricia so I asked was there something really bad that happened or what? Well apparently Chris is moving out. what?! After like pressuring her to purchase a before she did he said if she didn't he didn't know what would happen. So of course she did. If he was going to move out why couldn't he have done that before she made this huge financial investment and kinda screwed her over as she was counting on him to help pay the mortgage. Yeah. Now I will not say that I am surprised. But it is very upsetting as Patricia as I can imagine is upset and well she is my friend....we shall see all the details Thursday and yeah. Jacalen said that she sounded better today when she talked to her. Like she could talk about it without breaking down. So yeah we shall see. It just kinda sucks as I know she is totally in love with him and such. It is just hard.
Nothing much exciting happening. This weekend is vegfest which is super exciting! I get to try out all my weird veggie foods for $5 and it is totally more samples that I can handle. Like last year we were like halfway through and I had to start getting picky as my tummy was getting super full. Also I may purchase some things this year as they are way discounted. We shall see. But seriously I have been looking forward to this since last years one. Woohoo! There is also a Pacific Crest Trail fest this weekend with talks and such to make me even more excited! Man seriously I cannot wait and I really think I will be ready in time which I was kinda worried about. Anyways time to go get a beverage.