Oct 21, 2006 07:49
So work has been going well. The other lady I shared an office with quit right before my boss went on vacation for 6 buisness days. So that means I was the only one int he accounting department which was alright. My boss has been very nice and pretty impressed with how well I am doing trying to do both jobs (since I do not really know the other job as well). I have my review coming up next week probably, so that should be fun times! I feel it will go well and all that. So that is good. Maybe get a raise? heeheee. We can hope, but I do not expect it since really I have only been there 3 months. I just came in 3 months before their yearly evaluations. And my friend Brandon might be getting a job there too. He needs to set up a time for an interview with my boss and then we shall see so....Good times
What else? Still incredibly busy. Today is the second urban golf which raymond really wants to go to. We shall see how cold it is outside before I decide. But there is also the final roller derby bout of the season!! Followed by a dance party!! I vote for that, but am not sure if we can get tickets as they are sold out online, so you have to show up mother early to try and get some. So we shall see what happens. 2 weeks ago we went to a suprise birthday party for an unsuspecting guest. That was amazing! The guy who walked in at the correct time to a birthday party just for him, including everything from cakes with candles to blow out, semi naked lady in a box, presents, everything! was an amazing sport and it was really a lot of fun.
Let's see...what else...it appears as though I really did lose one of my friends. Which I guess is okay since I have gained many more since then. It just still sucks a little bit when I think about it, but not much as it has been a while. In reality it would have been a long journey to being friends again and well...I guess they were not up for it. So yeah. But we are going up to Bellingham to visit Justin on Sunday with some friends who like to drive all over the place and take us with them! Since we don't have a car that is pretty nice, and it saves us some money. It is all good. I just hope they have a good time in Bellingham as well...it is kinda a small town and yeah. But I like it.
My work friend Brandon left for Ireland for 3 1/2 weeks! I was like no!! who am I going to talk to while you are gone? Cause I would always take a break and go talk to him forever and it was all good. I really like him and there are promises of hanging out more outside of work when he gets back. He shoudl have an amazing time as he is very friendly, outgoing, and talkative so he will probably meet lots of new people. Raymond said as soon as I get enough money for pacific crest (which is soon) that we should save up money to go on a trip out of the country (and not to Canada but somewhere else). I think that would be amazing! Man how many times can I use amazing in a paragaph? Lots.
Okay that is all the random tidbits I feel liek sharing right now. Maybe more later. I just thought I would update with a few things since I hadn't in a while.