Oct 07, 2004 02:38
today was ok... the abandoned blazer has bigger tires than mine :( which sucks. but there's other ones. i keep finding them everywhere people just leave them. i hope i don't have to leave mine any time soon. at least the donut tire works. went to hyannis tonight with asa, shane and justin, to the mall and walked around and stuff. saw john m, the girl cal, melissa, evan, dana and joel. joel was wearing a jason mask and a dred hat but i still recognized him. much cool halloween stuff. we went in watch world and justin changed tokyo, in honor of jeff... lol. i think he'd get a kick out of that. it's weird being in the mall cuz we used to be there all the time and now everyone is gone. who used to be there i mean. like dj. i miss him. sucks. i think my arm is infected from the cut i got skating cuz it hurts now and it didn't used to. and i keep picking at it. so it's my fault if it is but i'd like to know if it is so i don't have to chop it off or anything. we hung out with an odd man named peter tonight, he was walking around cuz his girlfriend kicked him out for wanting to watch a baseball game and he stopped to talk to us. we were at dirty daddy's cuz shane got in trouble with the cops for giving them chris cobb's name. and the cop he said that to knew him, and chris. go figure. so the cops brought him home and we followed and then that guy showed up. he was weird but cool. i had my car tonight and today cuz i needed it, and i need it tomorrow to go talk to steve. i saw him today and he said i could work again i just have to talk to him tomorrow morning. which is now in a few hours :o/ oh well, sleep can wait. my rearview mirror is back up, thanks to asa :) yay. so tired right now. much zzz. goodnight.