Summertime . . . and the livin's easy

May 18, 2003 16:22

So it's summer now. Wow. As Chris aptly put it, "I just blinked, and half of college was over." Sigh.

The funny part is that summer is promising to not be as bad as I thought it would be. Definitely not as bad as last summer. My mom is psycho (and so is my dad, and I'll throw in my sister too for good measure), but it's tolerable since I have friends that I had forgotten about due to UT, and, more importantly, because I have a car with which I can actually (*gasp*) leave the house!

At any rate, my mom is getting excited about me moving into an apartment, which I find really cute. She has gone out and gotten me all sorts of kitchenwares (so guys, I think we're set on that front). Oh, and she gave me her wine goblets--yay! Perhaps I'm a lot more domestic than I had imagined myself to be. Sadly, I am getting excited about going out and buying things like toaster ovens and oven mitts and brooms.

As much as the summer is off to a promising start, I can't help but become nostalgic about UT, and Austin in general. I miss you guys. I miss being able to just hang out whenever. I miss eating in a large group. So many dumb things . . . and the thing is, we probably won't experience most of those things again. Living in an apartment is definitely going to change the social dynamic . . . the only question is, by how much?

You know you haven't updated your journal in a while when you forget how to say what you wanted to say. This whole process feels weird, so forgive the blahness . . . it's funny how you can tell how we've changed since last summer just by looking at journals. Last summer, journalling was the thing . . . when I went to India for a month and came back, I thought I would never be able to catch up with all the journalling I had missed. And now . . . updates are few and far between, and the comment-well has dried up.

Things to do this summer:
stop shopping so much
read read read
(hopefully) get the job with which I am interviewing tomorrow
anything else?
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