Dec 24, 2002 18:03
My dad and sister went out to buy something for her XBox today, and when they got back, my sister informed me that she had had a very interesting talk with my father . . . apparently, he finds both my sister and I rather spoiled. Although we're good kids, and we have good heads on our respective shoulders, we tend to take things for granted.
And, for the first time in recent history . . . I have no words with which to fight that claim. I agree . . . I do take things for granted. I am rather spoiled. When things don't go my way, I get upset . . . and when I am at home, with my family, I get worked up about things and throw temper tantrums without meaning to, all to get things that I don't particularly want.
Have I grown up at all since I was 10? Somehow, I feel like the same kid . . . discovering things about myself, and constantly re-evaluating my life in a new light.
I wonder what it takes to finally take that step and grow up; to grow out of it all.