Subscription for printed journals worldwide

Apr 20, 2010 17:01

Journals on psychology, issued by Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (Russia), are now available for subscription for people and organizations worldwide.

Cultural-Historical Psychology is the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research affiliated journal. Cultural-Historical Psychology is an international journal that is dedicated to history, current advances and future perspectives of cultural-historical psychology of L.S. Vygotsky. The journal is aimed to publish classical achieves and original works on methodological, theoretical and practical issues of cultural-historical psychology, activity theory and their contemporary modifications alongside with concordant approaches. Cultural-Historical Psychology provides the scene for dialogue and collaboration of researchers of cultural-activity theory all over the world. The journal submits manuscripts in Russian and in English (which can be then translated or published in the original).

Subscription for printed journal Cultural-Historical Psychology:

Psychological Science and Education publishes original high-quality papers that contribute the knowledge of research and practice of educational, family and age psychology. Psychological Science and Education realizes the importance of support of young researchers; it is published quarterly with the special fifth issue dedicated to the original works of postgraduate students. Psychological Science and Education publishes materials elaborating the concept of ‘New School”, projects and recommendations on development of psychological service in educational institutions, standards of higher education in psychology and other innovative models.

Subscription for printed journal Psychological Science and Education:

Experimental Psychology is published at the base of University Center for Experimental Psychology. The journal publishes original high-quality papers that contribute to the development of experimental method in Psychology in Russia and worldwide, analysis of trends in experimental research in general, differential and applied psychology, psychophysiology and psychophysics. Experimental psychology serves to consolidation of researchers who use and develop experimental methods. It provides space for discussing new advances in technological and mathematical methods of research in Russia and abroad.

Subscription for printed journal Experimental Psychology:

printed journals, subsciption

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