What is a blog for?
Is it an open diary? A note book? A list of goals accomplished? A Round-Robin letter? A guide book? A Travalogue? A vent for ranting (or do I meant a rant for venting?).
If a blogger blogs a blog which no one reads, is the blogger (or do I mean bloggeur ?) really blogging
And, do people actually read blogs? Well, you do, and I
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I'm still not convinced of the pointfulness of weblogs (Abi's considered comment on LiveJournal was ``But it's all just... trash...'') but it's a convenient way of keeping up to date with what other people are doing, without having to remember to email them on a regular basis. I'll admit that I don't entirely fulfil my side of the bargain, though. Partly I'm just too busy, and partly I just don't believe that anyone else is going to be interested in either the minutiae of my daily life (today I had a feta, rocket and pepper sandwich, followed by a chocolate/walnut brownie, for lunch...) or the Thoughts of Chairman Jackson.
I don't really think that anyone is much interested in anything I'll write - but it doesn't really matter - If you talk to yourself half the time, which I do, people think you are a Crazy Lunatic. If you blog, which amounts to much the same thing, people think you're Modern. I'd much rather be Modern than Crazy (i think). And anyhoo, Writing is fun, even if no one is listening.
This term I'm teaching three undergraduate support classes1 a week, and supervising about 35 undergraduate students - does that count?
1Two for MA3F2 Knot Theory and one for MA408 Algebraic Topology.
The question is - who are you talking to the other half of the time? :)
For some reason, I have this image of the student handbook - "Mathematics
support classes 1) Coming to terms with Knot Theory. 2) Coping with Algebraic Topology."
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