Last month Or rather, earlier this month on April Fool's Day (no, really), I had an alarming incident and after many doctor's tests later, it turns out I have high blood pressure and am pre-diabetic to boot, so the doctor put me on medications as well as a low-carb, low-sodium diet (on top of my gluten-free restriction). She also told me if I lose a bit of weight and keep the carbs down, the condition might even go away. *crossing fingers*
Thankfully the meds took care of the other issues, so the sodium restriction was lifted, but thanks to very odd sugar readings (none have been high, but some have been alarmingly and bafflingly low) the carb ones are here for the foreseeable future (and I have a coming visit to an endocrinologist).
Not that I had a lot of carbs to get rid of being gluten-free, and I already ate Atkins-style when on travel (which is the easiest way to reduce glutening incidents in unfamiliar places), but this is not just for a few days, but from now on until something miraculous occurs.
Chazpure opted to follow me on my new food adventures, which made things difficult until my brilliant spouse dug up a
very low carb flatbread recipe which has become a go-to. Made with coconut flour, fast and easy to make, easy to store and lasts a few days (and no, you can't taste any coconut, just a mild hint of vague sweetness - no more so than you find with some other breads), they're four grams of carb for two and, well, as an example this was brekky:
Coconut flat breads. 2 carbs each three-inch disk, no sodium initially.
Two egg whites microwaved, no fat or butter (which is not restricted, just a preference). 0 carbs, 0 sodium.
One low salt ham slice, half a slice on each flatbread, 0 carbs, 215 mg sodium.
One ounce shredded sharp cheddar, half sprinkled on each, 0 carbs, 176 mg sodium.
Assemble & microwave to melt the cheese & warm the flatbread. Voila! Breakfast sandwiches.
Not friggin' bad, if I do say so myself. If I was truly decadent, I'd make a butter drizzle for them, but I was good. They're sinfully good with avocado - a guilt-free, ultra-low carb treat.
Note: this is how
chazpure makes them for us - this makes about six flatbreads:
3 TBL coconut flour
3 eggs
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
6 TBL heavy cream (or coconut milk)
Mix it all together until it's a smooth batter.
(optional - grease non-stick skillet or griddle with a little butter or coconut oil)
Pour into three-inch rounds on heated non-stick skillet or griddle. Cook as for pancakes, but don't expect those bubbles that stay open, so keep an eye on the edges. Cut the edges off if they crisp - imo, the crisped edges make the breads taste eggy, but if you like that... hey, have at it.
Share your own low-carb goodies, if you like. I have too many food allergies and intolerances to list here, but share anyway. We're very good at adapting recipes to suit our needs.
As a follow-up, my last blood readings were superb. No bad cholesterol or triglycerides, scads of good cholesterol and I lost seven pounds. My asthma has also improved significantly, despite spring trying to do it's pollen-y thing. I'm not sure how it affects that, but it apparently does. Who knew?
THAT SAID, April might have been a bit cross with me, but May looks as if she could turn out to be a right bitch. I had my usual mammo/ultrasound breast screenings and was told at the office everything seemed okay. Then I received a letter from the radiologist.
There are few more charged words in life than reading "we found an area of concern" regarding your breast screening. I must admit reading those words made me go blank for awhile. I'm not easily flummoxed, but... I'm not sure what I even thought or if I even was thinking, but it took me a bit before the rest of the words on the paper made sense again. The radiologist has never sent me a letter before, not even for what turned out to be benign two years ago. Nor was it ever recommended before that I see a breast surgeon asap. *sigh*
Anywho, I have a consult with a breast surgeon next week. I'll keep you posted anon.
I don't ask for well-wishes for myself, but I would ask you send them (or prayers, white light, juju, good intentions, whatever you believe if you believe in anything) to my mother who is, naturally, very worried and not so logically, feeling very guilty. If you could send some of them, as well, to Chaz, who is mondo busy and does not deserve the stress I add to her life, they'd be appreciated.
That's all she wrote, for now.
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