auto/knee update

Jul 17, 2014 15:52

Well, our car is fixed and the expense of doing so wasn't too dear. *whew*

The knee is most unhappy and continues to bitch at me. I'm keeping off of it, applying unguent as needed and using my cane when I hobble anywhere. Based on prior incidents of aggravating the old injury, it'll probably be iffy for about a week, then will slowly strengthen. Thanks to the cycling I'd been doing and recently gone back to (I had to take a hiatus from it due to not-quite-tearing of the ligament on the *other* knee which took a couple months to heal) it's doing a hell of a lot better than I expected, actually. I thought for sure it would swell to three times its size and keep me from walking, but the swelling is minimal as is the pain (unless I attempt a manoeuvre it does not wish me to attempt).

Not much other news, aside from the boring fact my sinus migraine is trying to return. I blame the poxy, allergenic, dusty, pollen-riddled Crepe Myrtles that are ubiquitous to the area. Feh.

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