Don’t concentrate on the words that offend you and ignore what they’re pointing to - the words “rape culture” aren’t the problem. The reality they describe is the problem.
excerpted from:
A Gentlemen’s Guide To Rape Culture - Medium
More seriously good articles looking at
the Isla Vista killings
Elliot Rodger and why young males go on rampage killings | MSN
Elliot Rodger and American Masculinity | Fem2pt0
Burning The MRA Playbook (Or, #YesAllMRAs) | terribleminds
Why it’s so hard for men to recognize misogyny | #YesAllWomen in the wake of Elliot Rodger
Alan Alda: 'If We Could Eradicate Polio, Why Can't We Eradicate Misogyny?' *applause*
Elliot Rodger and the Disease of Hating Women | New York Observer
When anyone tries to tell you Democrats or liberals caused the VA's funding problem or the scarcity in the social safety net, point them to this:
(Spring 1981) Reagan Cuts Vet Programs New Orleans District Gets Rid Of Its Last Traditional Public Schools | The adventures of Sister Simone Campbell - defender of the poor, the marginalized and the common good.
This Is How We Talk About Female Leaders (Hint: It's Not Pretty)
East Texas restaurant to gay couple: "We just don't like fags." Gosh - I just don't like homophobes!
US Deploys First Advanced Drones to Japan - ABC News
3-D Printed Food A Boon For The Elderly - Business Insider
Researchers mimic fly eye to produce superhydrophobic anti-fogging nanostructures | Phys.Org
Plus you can sing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" to superhydrophobic anti-fogging nanostructures. No, really.
This Might Be The Cutest And Also Most Depressing "Game Of Thrones" Fan Photo Ever Daniel Radcliffe Goes Skinny Dipping in Lake Ontario - Shalom Life
Early Gay Literature Rediscovered | Trebor Healey
Downton Abbey provides an upturn for the books |
That's all she wrote wrapped up. Hope you have a lovely weekend - welcome June! Eek... six months to go before my 50th birthday. *hides*
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