week of wheeze

Jan 22, 2014 21:27

Once again glad for Tumblr's pre-posting ability, as otherwise I would have been absent on-line for this last week. I've been seriously under the weather thanks to the Colby Fire, which kick-started my asthma and sinuses into hell-drive and precipitated a bad flare. Dealing. Changed my meds around, increased some and finally gave in to the ugly necessity of prednisone (short term) which finally settled things a bit.

I'm glad, given we travel soon. Since we could not visit my family for the holidays and we were discussing maybe a brief weekend visit, my brother suggested Superbowl weekend (and made me verklempt at his admission that he missed his best football buddy for the big game). So I'd like to be in better shape to enjoy it! Looks to be an awesome game, between snow and the teams. I was a bit sad for the 49ers loss, but they've been represented many times and I do love underappreciated teams (read: Seahawks). I'm a Bronco's fan, too, so no matter who wins, I'll just be happy watching some football with my family. I've missed watching football with my brother, too. :-}

Anywho, have a few links:

Now for something completely different and very NSFW!
Those ss/hg fans that like my fic, And So It Comes To This, might get some flashbacks much as I did when I caught sight of this tasty nude man. When I saw him, I immediately flashed on Snape about a month after they shaved his head and bits, waiting for his counsel in his cell. Yowza...

Lastly, for those of you web gurus seeking work:
Library Thing needs a php programmer. Do mention me if you apply. ;-)

This entry is also posted to http://odogoddess.dreamwidth.org/121369.html. You can comment there or here.

family stuff, newslinks, health

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