I interrupt your Hallowe'en/Samhain celebrations with a
health update.
I had the biopsy yesterday morning (and they ended up needing to take tissue from three different areas, not just one! Ow!) and the results are in.
The good news is it's not cancer.
The bad news is I'm probably going to have a lumpectomy anyway.
Turns out I have a papilloma, the sort that can become cancerous and because of my mother's history (both her cancers started in the same area I have the papilloma) and all, my case is being referred to a surgical oncologist who can tell me my options. It's possible he or she might opt for watchful waiting, but in a lady with my family history I'm told they usually prefer to err on the side of caution. So we'll have to see what they say. For now, though, I can relax a bit. Maybe even enjoy a Hallowe'en muffin.
I return you to your Hallowe'en/Samhain celebrations and wish you a Happy All (deathly) Hallows Eve.
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