I hope everyone enjoys their holiday tomorrow, or if you're outside of the US, I hope you enjoy your day. Not much energy for posting lately, the heat has been oppressive, although not as bad as it is in Arizona and the high desert. *sends virtual iced beverages*
For now, have some twitterings:
Currently in the news
Final rule issued on birth-control access for faith-based employers Here's What Happens If You Don't Sign Up For Obamacare Tim Huelskamp Introduces Constitutional Amendment Banning Gay Marriage Apparently, we did it again:
Gays, god, and forest fires(So what caused natural tragedies before gay marriage & equal rights?)
The Billionaire Backing The Evangelical Movement A new
conservatism is beginning to emerge on some college campuses...
An open letter to religious Americans I endorse the separation of church and hate:
Gay Pennsylvania Lawmaker Silenced By Colleagues Citing 'God's Law' This just in:
Study finds states that legally allow gay marriage have lower divorce rates than states that do not Starting This Week, It's Harder to Get an Abortion in 5 States study confirms NO LINK between abortion and breast cancer - one of the lies the conservatives tout repeatedly
Jim DeMint:
Women want to be forced to have ultrasounds (Maybe congresspersons should be forced to have full psychiatric exams to ensure they are capable of governing.)
Book News:
Authors Lose Class-Action Status In Google Books Case Sci-Tech
Must-read, but majorly squicky:
Don't Eat Those Carnitas USDA caves to food industry pressure, approves three new toxic meat preservatives Farmers need to use more herbicide, not less, with GMO crops - building herbacide-resistance in crops
Low-power Wi-Fi signal tracks movement-even behind walls Contact lenses bestow telescopic vision To Make Hearing Aids Affordable, Firm Turns On Bluetooth New device can turn windows on buses/trains into adverts; beaming sound into your head
Pity. He showed much promise at 14 when he was in T2:
Edward Furlong in court over domestic violence charges Navajo speech comes to life in 'Star Wars' dubbing project Star Wars Yoga NBCUniversal Developing Digital Comics for '80s and '90s TV Shows Miscellaneous
If you don't think where you live or who owns the newspaper matters, you might want to look at
the covers of 10 different blue state -vs- red state front pages of the SCOTUS DOMA and Prop 8 rulings.
10 biggest myths you were spun about lesbians 7 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Rum Quotes
I never thought of marriage as something only for men and women. But I'd never marry a guy I didn't like." - Willie Nelson
If voting didn't change anything,#NorthCarolina Republicans wouldn't mind if black people did it.
http://lat.ms/19Rf2Mr @TheDailyEdge
To today's GOP a background check for a gun buyer is an outrageous assault on liberty but a medically unnecessary transvaginal probe is A-OK
Funny that the same lawmakers who want to be up in your uterus freak out if women come into a public building to protest.
Stephanie March: "If we were here today to tell men what they could do with their penises, they would lose their minds..."
Bills regulating women's bodies in 2013 alone: 624.
Bills regulating men's bodies since the dawn of time: 0
If you would just stop voting, stop wanting a job & stop having sex, the GOP wouldn't have to legislate against you.
Roof jumper films gravity-defying feats across city sk... (via @news360) Okay, this guy takes crazy pills.
http://n360.to/1213CR6 @CatFoodBreath
Unmotivated? Lethargic? Have mood swings? A sporadic appetite? Sleep a lot? You aren't depressed, you're a cat.
Last, but not at all least, please spare a thought, prayers, vibes, whatever you believe in, to the family and friends of the
Granite Mountain Hotshots who died battling a blaze in my birthstate of Arizona. They were so very young.
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