As some of you know, I've been dealing with my own health issues, but last week,
my mother's were added.
There is a strong possibility her cancer has returned. Too long and tiringly convoluted a tale to tell, suffice it to say that insurance complications and my own just-barely recovering state haven't helped.
If the insurance issue gets squared away (a big hurdle was passed yesterday, but there is one more hurdle holding things up now) my mother will be having surgery in two weeks. If not... well, my level of aggro will not be pretty. Wish me strength.
Any road out, that is why I've not posted in yonks. Well, that and my laptop developed issues and began to die a horrible rattling death. I literally just replaced it yesterday. *sigh* (when it rains...) I'll try to do better about posting, but honestly, I only have so much time and energy these days. Or is that daze?