several days late & always a dollar short

Jul 23, 2010 22:22

*peals of laughter*

I write like
J. K. Rowling
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Mind you, I plugged in five random fics of mine. Not that I buy any of these on-line quizzes, but they are amusing.

That said, all else I might say in personal news can best be summed up with: extreme heat and lupus do NOT mix. So glad our high humidity heatwave finally calmed.

It's only been two days of more moderate weather and I'm only just starting to feel half-human again. *still suffering severe fatigue as well as other lupus symptoms* I haven't had as bad a bout of it in ages.

Anyway, I know lots has gone on and there is no way to catch up, so I'm just starting anew. I haven't read journals in at least a week, same thing there, although I'll read back a few pages, but if you have news, just let me know. Still have limited energy which I tend to use up for RL details and any extra gets burnt off pretty quickly.

Meanwhile have some links accumulated since last I posted

What the President Didn't Seem to Learn From the Shirley Sherrod Incident
(the whole incident should really be a lesson to anyone who still believes the media is "liberal-biased")

You think?: BP Trying to Silence Science on Oil Spill?

BP's new disaster - 'doctoring' pictures

Have some photos of the massive China oil spill

*sends them well-wishes*

Three major earthquakes strike close to Philippines and now one in Sumatra... take care out there.

*more well-wishes*

This would take care of most of the problems that over half of my flisters, suffer:
Obama Administration Announces New Programs and Action for Equal Pay

No surprise here: Fleeing Phoenix out of fear of immigration law

Arizona immigrants contributed $29 billion annually to the state economy, representing about 8% of its activity.

Meanwhile, Arizona exports dropped 29% and ranks #2 in the rate of foreclosures and has lost 300,000 non-farm jobs. You might stop blaming immigrants and get to the real root of the problem, Arizona.

What she said: Live from Ground Zero

Dear Tea Party -aka- TP. (You can take that acronym for it's other meaning, yes.)  Not everything is an outrage or unpatriotic.

Just to clarify, this -- Botswana Bushmen denied access to water -- is an outrage.

It is also genocide masquerading as something else, which makes it an iniquity.

And *this* is unpatriotic: How We're Failing Our Female Veterans.

However, since these involve people of other creeds and women, I'm guessing the TP is likely to just shrug these issues off.

16 Signs That You Live In A Tyranny. (w/thanks to F for the link)
Note: it was pointed out to me that this link represents the thinking of the Montana Freemen, a radical US group. The link was sent by a friend in response to an ongoing thread on a list we both belong to re: the state of the US gov't. My friend is Australian and not cognizant of the various groups in the US or their ideologies, and I did not check the background of the website owner, nor do I have the time, energy or inclination to do that as I websurf in general. Some of their points, however, are quite valid even if they do come from an unusual or dubious source.

Which just proves the old axiom remains true: even a broken clock is right at least twice a day.


New York State Plots Goose Genocide
Um, if they plan to cull (kill) them anyway, could they not do it humanely and maybe use them to feed the hungry?

As if genital mutilation isn't bad enough, but now this: Teenage Girls Undergo 'Breast Ironing' In Cameroon

If we can do this: July 7 bomb survivor shows her new face (graphic image)

Then we can fix these: Terrorism that's personal (graphic images, you've been warned)

Novel approach: reading courses as an alternative to prison

Part of me thinks this is great, another part tells me it's a bad idea to educate the criminal minded -- they just become smarter criminals.

Check out "Excluded" - a film that shows how US immigration laws keep loving, binational same-sex couples apart.

er... why?: World's Strongest Beer... packaged in a dead rodent

Well, at least they're not using penguins: Hundreds of Dead Penguins Wash Up in Brazil

With thanks to irena-candy -- could Frankincense be a cure for cancer?


PWNed -aka- Fandom Fecking Rules: Super Heroes vs. the Westboro Baptist Church

calling Lexx: Trek food replicator we always wanted is here! (Kinda.)

How sad that a once up and coming career in the Imperial Army could
lead to this: Darth Vader Robs Bank

Actor, director, writer...Dark Lord of the Sith. :)

'Pretty' in print: Molly Ringwald's new book

The aging of Harry Potter

Many happies to DanRad and the great Witch of the North, JKR.


*applause*: The Most Homoerotic Sports Photos Ever Taken

Allright, who wore him out?: First (Legal) Male Prostitue Quits

Dude, that's *not* what they mean by auto-erotic: Man accused of sex act with car

Sure, whatever: French say they need the biggest condoms

*giggles* Oh, so: true.

and in that vein, have some Brokeback Trek

Meet cute

true: the levels of kitty anger

actually, they are in contact with the mother ship: kittens watch clouds

Kitty Adopts Bunny... cuddles ensue

Lastly, have a time-waster. No, have two.

arizona, newslinks, fandom, health

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