Title: Getting to know you, all over again
psyfi_geekgirl BetaBabe:
akkajemo Characters/Pairings: TenII/Rose
Rating: R
Excerpt: She didn’t expect these turn of events: There is a man down the hall who looks and sounds and acts every bit the Doctor-but she does not know him. Is he her Doctor? How can she be sure?
Word count: 2,333
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em. “Not nobody, not nohow…”
A/N: Written for challenge 50 at
then_theres_us Prompt Me! (prompts under the cut). Since this was a non-competitive challenge I decided to mess with the rules a bit for an experiment. Yeah, lookit me, I’m such a rebel… So, it’s more like a prompt buffet: I took a little bit of everything and mixed it together like a big antipasto salad! Hope it’s just as tasty!
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