Title: Casualty of war
psyfi_geekgirl BetaBabe:
akkajemo Characters/Pairings: TenII/Rose
Rating: PG-13
Excerpt: “But you could have told me. Rose, why didn’t you tell me?”
“What was I supposed to tell you?”
“What you went through all these years. What happened on those jumps you made. The kind of danger you were in! I should know about that kind of stuff, shouldn’t I?”
His concern was too much for her to bear. She wanted to slap him for sounding so worried, but she couldn’t.
Word count: 2,584
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em. “Not nobody, not nohow…”
A/N: Written for challenge 53 at
then_theres_us (“Rose thru the void & what she found there”). This explores some of the themes I allude to in
Jumping Blind and
Getting to know you, all over again-but darker. Inspired (and encouraged) by
thenakedcupcake and a series of comments exchanged between us-this one’s for you, babe! Also for my Beta, whose birthday it is!
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