Master Fic List

Sep 29, 2015 01:04

Doctor Who: Fic Master List
Some may know-but most probably won’t-that I started writing fic by falling in love with the prompts over at then_theres_us . I caught them late (at challenge 39) and decided to write for the backlog of old prompts as well as keep up with the current ones in the spirit of Julie and Julia. As of this writing I have one left, which will be posted in a few months as part of my Girl In The Mirror (Twelve 'Verse). All told, I only skipped two (18 & 36) of the five I allotted myself at the beginning of this Great Experiment.

Below you will find everything organized by Doctor in as good of a suggested chronological order as I can make out. Consider this a living document that I will update--often--as it seems that good Olde LJ tends to mislay parts of my entry sometimes... Are we headed through some kind of temporal shift? Is the Dream Lord back?! Ye GODS! Where did my Nine/Rose, Jack entries go...? *off to fix again*

For whatever reason if you who wish to see the fics I’ve written for specific TTU challenges please use my tags. If you only want to see the ones I’ve officially posted to then_theres_us, go here.


Only five billion years til the shops close
Nine/Rose, PG, 1419 w.
Excerpt: Twenty minutes after watching the end of the world, Rose takes the Tightwad (a.k.a. The Doctor) for chips. She has something to decide.

Flirty mum looking for fun
Nine/Rose, Jackie, PG-13, 1480 w.
Excerpt: “I like ‘bananas and dancing to Soft Cell?’ This is a man seeking women ad, right?”
YAY! 1st Place Winner for then_theres_us  Challenge #71!

The Semi-Smutty Adventures of the Innuendo Squad--otherwise known as my Nine/Rose, Jack stories:

Touché d’Artagnan!
Nine/Rose, Jack, R, 3011 w.
Summary: The trio attend an unusual party in 1800s Bavaria, alien hijinks and semi-nudity ensue.
YAY! Tied for First Place Winner then_theres_us  Challenge 51!!!
Prequel to Gifts from yesterday (with Ten/Rose, Jack)

Some Like It Hop
Nine/Rose, Jack, PG, 2644 w.
Summary: Jack hatches a rather unusual plan to help Nine and Rose break out of jail
YAY! Second Place Winner then_theres_us  Challenge 49!!!

Not of my Ilk
Nine/Rose, Jack, PG-13,  4344 w.
Romance (w/ a side of Jack!smut antics)
Summary: The Doctor and Rose are locked up in another alien cell together, however not all is as it seems...

Battle of the long games (a.k.a. moons over Kyoto)
Nine/Rose, Jack, R, 1415 w.
Summary: Alien sake + strip Uno = ROFL & questionable strategies all around!


Feeling our way
Ten/Rose, G, 961 w.
Summary: Rose attempts to get used to the New New Doctor.

Heat wave
Ten/Rose, G, 637 w.
Summary: Ten & Rose share a heated moment up on the roof of the Powell Estates.

A Nose For Trouble
Ten/Rose, PG-13, 2277 w.
Adventure Angst/Fluff
Excerpt: She was terrified that he was already too far-gone, or worse-lying to her-and that she’d have to watch him die for a second time… Could she stand to lose him all over again?
YAY! 2nd Place Winner at then_theres_us Challenge 68!!!!

The curiosities
Ten/Rose, G, 1104 w.
Excerpt: He may have been a dealer of inanimate objects, but as a salesman, a businessman and an antiquities buyer, he knew a thing or two about people. As an old man who had seen the world, he knew about life; and as a Frenchman, well… He knew a thing or two about love. (A third-person perspective on the Doctor and Rose’s relationship.)

Finding Strength
Ten/Rose, Mickey, PG, 2023w.
Summary: Rose tries to come to terms with the five and a half hours the Doctor is "lost" in 18th century France.

Lady in Red
Ten/Rose, PG, 1140 w.
Excerpt: “You and I are having a chat.” Oh boy, a chat… I’m done for, he thought. But for what? He was racking his considerably large brain but could find nothing.

Carpe Tahitian tangerine fantasy
Ten/Rose, Adult, 2770 w.
Summary: Ten finds one of Rose’s trashy novels and lets his imagination wander…

The Doctor dances, again
Ten/Rose, G, 2106 w.
Summary: May 8th, 1944-The Doctor takes Rose to the Hollywood Canteen for Servicemen to enjoy the celebrities, the party and the dancing. Rose dances with someone she finds familiar.

The Young Immortals
Nine/Rose, Jack, Ten/Rose, PG, 1385
Crossover with Vampire Lestat
Excerpt: As a hunter, as a killer of man for hundreds of years, I have a unique feel for humankind... This was no man.

The Note
Ten/Rose, PG, 1648 w.
Angst, romance
Summary: Ten begins to shut down after Krop Tor, Rose finds an unexpected way to draw him out.

The Whirligig
Ten/Rose, PG, 2177 w.
Fluff, romance
Summary: The Doctor takes Rose to the Universe’s Biggest Carnival and he gets taken for a ride he doesn’t expect.

My hour is almost come
Ten/Rose, PG, 1033 w.
Summary: AU: Alice in Wonderland (+ a dash of Hamlet). A foreshadowing of things to come.

Rule One
Ten/Rose, PG, 1184 w.
Excerpt: ...there are so many times he has lied to Rose Tyler...

Gifts from yesterday
Ten/Rose, Jack, PG-13, 3089 w.
Summary: Unexpectedly, Jack arrives just when the Doctor needs him, bearing a very unusual gift. The requested sequel to Touché d’Artangnan!

The forever within
Ten/Rose, PG, 571 w.
Excerpt: You told me that you would stay with me forever, and I was in no hurry to say goodbye. I’ve done my best to paste together that forever we were due.

Everywhere he goes
Ten/Rose, G, 917 w.
Excerpt: He can never say it enough, and his tardy admissions given so freely now will never set him free.

The Relativity of Simultaneity
Ten/Belle, Rose/Casanova, Ten/Rose, Adult, 4841 w.
Mega Angst!Smut
Excerpt: Sometimes everyone wants to be someone else for a while (Character crossovers with Casanova and Secret Diary of a Call Girl).

Jumping blind
Ten/Rose, Jackie, Pete, G, 1109 w.
Summary: What Rose thinks about when she makes her trans-dimensional jumps.

Love song of the Type 40
Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Doctor/Tardis, PG, 527 w.
Excerpt: Like the first wife in a polygamous house, she was the original. Now she must share him.

The Ouroborous
Ten/BadWolf!Rose, PG-13, 1126 w.
AU Angst
Excerpt: She is something new...

Ten/Rose Sexytimes One Offs: Since I try to stay within canon, I consider these out of the norm for me. But sometimes the plot bunnies demand I do this!

A kiss to end the world
Ten/Rose, PG-13, 674 w.
Summary: Ten/Rose pause amidst history to enjoy their first real kiss.

Magic Man
Ten/Rose, PG, 769 w.
Excerpt: Rose Tyler has grown used to magic

Greece is the word
Ten/Rose, R, 907 w.
Summary: The Doctor takes Rose somewhen where they can truly be alone

V-D Day
Ten/Rose, R, 1006 w.
Summary: Days before V-E Day at Schwab’s Drug Store in Hollywood, Rose’s teasing finally breaks the doctor.

Two minutes in Belgium
Ten/Rose, Adult, 1740 w.
Summary: Ten & Rose visit a chocolatier in Belgium. Aroused to the point of distraction, they don’t stay long…

Please please me
Ten/Rose, R, 352 w.
Excerpt: They go because they can. He has a time machine. It’s 1963. How could they miss this? They miss it almost entirely…

Come Fly WIth Me
Ten/Rose, PG-13, 759 w.
Smutty crack/fluff
Excerpt: “Okay,” she giggled. “Definitely not bigger on the inside or anything, this… Whose idea was this again?”
YAY! 2nd Place Winner for then_theres_us  Challenge 72!!!

Beautiful Dancer
Ten/Rose, Adult, 4168 w.
Summary: Ten takes Rose to an unusual nightclub

French Farces and Other Vegetables
Ten/Rose, Eleven, Amy, Adult, 1896 w.
Summary: A bit of a romp with The Princess & The Pea

The Relativity of Simultaneity
Ten/Belle, Rose/Casanova, Ten/Rose, Adult, 4841 w.
Mega Angst!Smut
Excerpt: Sometimes everyone wants to be someone else for a while (Character crossovers with Casanova and Secret Diary of a Call Girl).


Catching Up
TenII/Rose, PG, 820 w.
Summary: The Doctor tries to make up for lost time.

Getting to know you, all over again
TenII/Rose, R, 2333 w.
angst, fluff, smut
Excerpt: Rose struggles to get used to the New New Doctor.

Getting off on Hold
TenII/Rose, Adult, 5517 w.
Summary: It’s been a month since getting dumped on Dårlig Ulv Stranden and Rose and TenII still haven’t done teh sexxin. Why? What’s holding them back?
A/N: Written with thenakedcupcake  for then_theres_us  collaborative challenge 69!

Vacancy Filled
Tenii/Rose, Adult, 2925 w.
Summary: Meeting in a hotel room upstairs from the Vitex fundraiser, Rose and the Doctor struggle for control.
A/N: The sequel to Getting Off On Hold. Written with thenakedcupcake  for then_theres_us  sequel challenge 75!

TenII/Rose, R, 394 w.
Summary: Rose's thoughts after her fist night with TenII.

Fight, Flight or Freeze
TenII/Rose, PG-13, 1756 w.
Excerpt: Just now she wants order. And routine. And tea.
YAY! 2nd Place Winner for then_theres_us challenge 70!!!

Venus and Adonis at a museum
TenII/Rose, G, 1501 w.
Summary: TenII takes Rose on their second first date

Rose's Choice
TenII/Rose, R, 1164 w.
Summary: Rose misses Ten

A perfectly uneventful day at the shops (1/2)
TenII/Rose, R, 1407 w.
Summary: Rose takes the Doctor intimate apparel shopping. He has trouble concentrating.

A perfectly uneventful day at the shops (2/2)
TenII/Rose, Adult, 2107 w.
Summary: The Doctor cannot believe what Rose just did for him! He might just learn to love shopping after all.

Casualty of War
TenII/Rose, PG-13, 2584 w.
Summary: Rose finally has to tell the Doctor about her Dimension Cannon Jumps.

The Ford Rendezvous
TenII/Rose, Jackie, PG-13, 1075 w.
Excerpt: It was one of these nothing but everything moments that the Doctor surprisingly found to be an increasingly more enchanting side effect of human life. But then again, everything seemed better when he was enveloped within her.

A little like death
TenII/Rose, PG-13, 1000 w.
Fluffy smut
Excerpt: For a man unused to awkward questions and hanging around to clean up the mess, this particular question left him a little more exposed than he was used to--or comfortable with, for that matter.
YAY! Tied for Third Place in  then_theres_us challenge 46!!!

The King of Impossible
TenII/Rose, G, 898 w.
Summary: The Doctor is feeling bored and lost stuck in Pete’s World without his TARDIS. Rose suggests a better way to fit in. He’s not so sure he likes her suggestion.

Office Party
TenII/Rose, PG-13, 1572 w.
Summary: TenII gets a little drunk at his first Torchwood Halloween party, loses his Little Red Riding Hood and runs into an old nemesis!

Silk stockings
TenII/Rose, R, 277 w.
Summary: Rose is acting like the scandalous minx she is, and has the Doctor totally at her mercy…

Lingering effects, or the alien sex gizmo strikes back...
TenII/Rose, Adult, 3151 w.
Summary: The Doctor and Rose borrow something from the Torchwood vault, only to regret the lingering effects... My take on your basic "sex pollen-type of fic (weird!skience is weird)!

MadLibs (aka: The one where he past tense verb her adjective noun , adverb )
TenII/Rose, Adult, 2970 w.
Summary: Rose tries to keep the Doctor warm and otherwise occupied during a boring Torchwood surveillance mission.

The Countdown
TenII/Rose, PG, 1868 w.
Angst AdventureFluff
Summary: TenII and Rose are caught up in a countdown to both citywide destruction-and TenII’s faltering ego…

Slitheen Attack
TenII/Rose, PG-13, 1760 w.
Sugary, cavity-ridden fluff!
Excerpt: “RAAAWWRRR! I’m a Savvine!!” shouted the naked little five-year old green boy in the tub...

Forever, tonight, yesterday
TenII/Rose, PG, 2409 w.
Summary: A psychic reading makes the Doctor uneasy, Rose confronts his silence in a Tescos. A sequel of sorts to The Note

Karmic explosion
TenII/Rose, Ten/Rose, PG, 910 w.
Summary: The Doctor regrets a throwaway comment he made years ago.

I dreamed I could see the whole of time and space
Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, TenII/Rose, PG, 682 w.
Excerpt: She has these dreams, you see… Except the Doctor doesn’t regenerate. She does.

Picking my rosebuds
TenII/Rose, Adult, 2133 w.
Summary: Rose plans an unusual first birthday celebration for the Doctor.

The fairest of them all
TenII/Rose, PG-13, 1200 w.
Summary: On assignment with Torchwood, their mission goes very, very wrong.

19 April 2005
Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, TenII/Rose, PG, 933 w.
AU, angst
Summary: AU with Einstein’s Dreams. Alternate reality endings for each consequence of Rose meeting the Doctor in 2005.


Some new man
Eleven/Rose, Ten/Rose, Amy, PG, 996 w.
Summary: The Eleventh Doctor considers some of the differences between himself and his former incarnations--and how he leaves some old memories behind.

Temporal schisms and other inconvenient truths
Eleven/Rose, River, Amy, PG, 1940 w.
Summary: The Eleventh Doctor sees Rose in the last place he ever expected to.

Making things right
Ten/Rose, Eleven/Rose, PG, 3503 w.
Romance, angst
Summary: After Rose runs off through the streets of London to clear her head after Girl In The Fireplace, she meets a mysterious stranger who comforts her.

Memento of you
Eleven/Rose, River, PG-13, 1955 w.
AU, angst
Summary: How did the Doctor spend all of that time after the Big Bang, waiting to be remembered? What if the Doctor forgot who he was too after stepping through the crack in Amy’s wall during The Big Bang, a la Memento? Kind of a crossover/AU to Memento.

Eleven/Rose, PG, 2601 w.
Angst, badwolf!Rose
Summary: During the nothingness of the Big Bang for him, pre-Journey’s End for her, they find each other with the help of a curious object from the past.

Twelfth Doctor: Girl In The Mirror 'Verse
Twelfth Doctor: Pinstripes & Jacquard 'Verse
Please click here for the Twelfth Doctor Master List


Everything has its time
Nine/Rose, Thirteen/River, PG, 2178 w.
Summary: Thirteen takes River out on their last date before Silence in the Library and lands at the wrong place at the wrong time. Now, he has a decision to make.

master fic list

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