I'm in agreement except in one place where I'd like the new films to be a little less Old-Bondy and another I'd like them to be a little more so.
First, I am fucking DONE with extended chase scenes. This goes for about 95% of all action films, but the last two Bonds in particular have taken up entirely too much of their running time with, well, running. I keep thinking "by now, Olympic triathletes would be throwing up..." five minutes before the chase is over. (Then, of course, they've still got energy for the big fight at the end.) It's the New 007's Camouflage Car - I just don't buy it, and it takes me out of my otherwise acceptably plausible fantasy.
Second (completely contradicting my first complaint), I like my Bond villain's plans to have appropriately large scope. In this one, I felt like the grand reveal was on the order of "...and now I shall append a completely unjustified 30% tax to Bolivian peasants' utility bills! Bwahahahahaha!" Yes, yes, that's an awful thing to do. But I'm not quite ready to turn in my cold war armageddon fantasies for regional squabbles over water and garbage.
First, I am fucking DONE with extended chase scenes. This goes for about 95% of all action films, but the last two Bonds in particular have taken up entirely too much of their running time with, well, running. I keep thinking "by now, Olympic triathletes would be throwing up..." five minutes before the chase is over. (Then, of course, they've still got energy for the big fight at the end.) It's the New 007's Camouflage Car - I just don't buy it, and it takes me out of my otherwise acceptably plausible fantasy.
Second (completely contradicting my first complaint), I like my Bond villain's plans to have appropriately large scope. In this one, I felt like the grand reveal was on the order of "...and now I shall append a completely unjustified 30% tax to Bolivian peasants' utility bills! Bwahahahahaha!" Yes, yes, that's an awful thing to do. But I'm not quite ready to turn in my cold war armageddon fantasies for regional squabbles over water and garbage.
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