busy busy weeks

Apr 27, 2013 16:04

Even though I sort of had the week off (I didn't actually have to go to school, though I had work to do at home), this was one of the busiest weeks I've had all year. I've had a lot of work to do on my senior project, and on Thursday we had a school fundraiser called "Are You Smarter Than..." which is sort of like the show, but we made teams and ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

star0cean April 30 2013, 20:33:00 UTC
Cheers to graduating soon! I'll be graduating in a month as well!

I feel like everyone I've come across has had to do a senior project, but I don't think my school does it either. Your school fundraiser seems super cool. My school does lame ones like "tricky-trays" (I don't even know what that is) and the regular selling baked goods and all.


psydeul May 1 2013, 02:32:09 UTC
Cheers to us! So excited to graduate, but also a little nervous.

This is the first year our school is doing senior projects, since we got a new teacher a few months into the year. That fundraiser is the only fun thing about our school lol. (It's a weird charter school, where we only go twice a week and school events happen maybe once or twice a semester.)


star0cean May 1 2013, 10:42:10 UTC
Wow you only go twice a week? That would be heaven! But your work is probably really hard.

Yes! It's going to be so nerve-wracking, because I hate walking in front of people lol but it's going to be a bit sad :(


psydeul May 2 2013, 05:04:19 UTC
They're actually just basic college prep classes, but we do have homework on the days that we don't go, so it's almost half home schooling (or so we like to explain it). It's almost like a really easy, non-optional version of college.


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