Look at that big ol' rock!

Apr 18, 2006 23:52

Okay, so I finally got my ATL pictures back from Walmart. So I'm going to post them and give all the details of the trip. =D

This is on the bus right before we left the Tabb parking lot. Isn't it cool how you can see our reflections in the mirror?
so, we drove forever.. and tried to sleep.... key word try. It was so hard to fall asleep sitting inbetween Bryce and Lizzie... So about 10 to 12 hours later we get to Atlanta and arrive at Shony's at ^ in the morning. After we ate, we had to wait another hour and a half for bus 2 to come and eat.. (they were behind because of a shot transmission) so while we waited.. we slept.

that's Dan, me, Brandon, and Lizzie. I mostly hung out with them while in ATL.
and we hung out and talked and stuff

Then we drove another hour to Stone Mountain.. and we spent 12 hours looking at this rock.

Then we went on top of the rock and took pictures :)

We thought this picture would turn out adorable.. and we were right. so we made the boys do it...

but they wouldnt hold hands ;] haha The boys decided to walk way past the line that was meant to keep you from falling off the edge... and we yelled at them to "GET YOUR BUTTS BACK HERE NOW!"

So they stuck out their butts and wiggled them at us.. smart alikes..
Then we went down the hill and tried on cowboy hats!

and we brought wax lips!

Then we watched the rock some more..

We were exhausted from looking at the rock..

Then Lizzie and I met a hick. He asked us "Wanna hear my rock song?!" and we said "Sure!" and then he sang "Ohhhhh, Look at that big ol' rock!" over and over.. it was pretty funny. Then Brandon got the hick to sing happy birthday to little Keefer. haha.. silly keefer.. pretending it was his birthday...

Stone Mountain also had giant statues ... so we took a picture with them

Then there was a lazer show.. and it got dark and cold.. so Aaron held me like a baby.

Then we went to the hotel and went to sleep.

The next morning we went to the underground mall.

Sarah, Lizzie, and I brought new sunglasses :)
Then we had our competition.. did terribly (5th outta 8th) and then we went to Six Flags!

We didn't listen to the awards... we just took neato pictures =D
&& We met the COOLEST people.. like not real people.. super heroes and stuff!

The Rooster.. I dont know his name...

That's Flash and Wonder Woman!

The Green Lantern!

We pretended to be Batman in line for the roller coaster "batman!"

&& Donald.. My Georgia Boyfriend. haha, I told Sean I was gonna get one.. but he didn't believe me. So I took a picture to prove it. ;]
The next day we had to watch drumline and indoor guard perform. But we had to wait an hour...since we got there way early.. So we took pictures.

Then we went to the coca-cola factory!

Then we went to the Aquarium.. and HARDROCK CAFE!

at hardrock we sang to "only one" really loud in front of everyone.. because it's our song and we felt like it. Lizzie and I also go to be part of the front of a conga line during the YMCA song. :D it was aweeeome.
Then we had to go home... Lizzie and I stayed up all night talking. It was really awesome. ATL was the best weekend ever.. I don't think I've ever had soo much fun.

The End.
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