Oct 14, 2006 12:59
Yes, it is sat. and I am working, but just wait i'll get to that if you stop pushing!
So, for anyone that cares... no, I'm not dead....even if sometimes it feels like it, but jeeze could I please stop being a cosmic joke! (getting to it already!) Anyhu I am going to Disney world for the weekend (YAY!) I am leaving on Friday the 20 and coming back Sun the 22 (I was serious about the weekend part) Ps. that was the good news to get you all warmed up. Here we go on to the main attraction.....
I am going in for major elbow surgery on the 26 (yes less than 2 weeks). I will be spending at least one night a hotel New England Baptist Hospital. Now I know all of you are asking why I waited so long to tell you about this... well I saw the orthopedic surgeon on wed for a consult and I got a call on thurs saying they wanted to schedule surgery on the 26. WHy the rush you say? Well it appears that I am well on my way to fusing my elbows myself and they are worried it might happen w/in the next couple of months. What does that mean really? well essentially that I will lose all mobility and most of the function of both my arms. Apparently I have the worst elbows for someone my age and I am one step away from a total elbow replacemt (He said if I had been 40 instead of 23 I would be getting a total elbow replacement). I have about an 80% chance of success, and all going well I will gain more movement than I curently have (in a perfect dream world they are hoping for 30 degrees to 130 degree, in case you are wondering my left arm is currently 90degrees to 120 degrees BAD BAD BAD) And of course because I am SO bad I am at higher risks than most people (but we won't think about those) We are starting w/ the left elbow and will schedule the right after I am healed (well mostly)
So what are they going to do you ask??? Well a synovectemy, a radial head excision and an extreme release and I will start physical therapy in the recovery room (sounds comfortable right!) anyways what this all means is they are going to remove all the diseased tissue of the lining of my joint, remove part of my radial bone and try to lengthen all my muscles while removing bone spurs, avoiding the 3 main nerves, and trying to tell if I really have an elbow (really the x-ray were impressive) And I will be out of commission (no driving typing etc. for 2 weeks (hence the working on a sat - I am trying to save up comp time to use while I am out) oh yeah work is pleased, but they are being pretty good about it)
SO I go in for my pre-op on my b-day (wed for all you slackers) and then the following thursday I have surgery (did I mention how much I hate surgery and how much it freaks me out?????) the only good thing is colleen's mom is a physical therapist at NE Baptist so she says she can go into the OR with me which will be nice. Oh and I pick Steph up for her semester break tomorrow and she has no idea any of this is happening (except for disney) surprise surprise.