After 19
#@%$ing hours of the cramped and atroious plane ride on the A340-300 (and I have to repeat that when I go back, at least Cathay Pacific knows how to feed its passengers unlike the douchebags from Air Canada), I have arrived in Hong Kong. And after four days (with two suffered in jet lag), I think I have re-adjusted myself back into Hong Kong's busy atmosphere ...
When I leave Hong Kong, I think I will miss the following:
- The uber-efficient and cheap public transportation system, it makes the one in Toronto look GHETTO at so many different levels
- Affordable goods and not have to pay 15% tax on everything I buy (fine, the gap exists since there is a Purchase Power Parity and the recent favorable exchange rate, but still ...)
- Cheap and competitive cell phone system ($78 HKD for a temporary number that last 6 months and 9 hours of local talk time on a loaner phone from my aunt that isn't the best phone there is, but already way ahead with the outdated shit that we have in Canada)
However, I don't think I will miss the things below
- The air, while my asthma haven't returned ... YET, but I am not counting on my lungs holding out for another week
- The busy sidewalks, especially on weekends. I almost forgot how crowded and cramped it is compared to Toronto (this also applies to the subway as well)
- The absolute lack of mannerisms (is that even a word?) of the local populace, let people get OFF the MTR trains before getting in for
#@%$ sake!
- The heat and the rain
Well, from certain conversations with various people I know on IRC, they thought that "cheap X-Box 360" exists in Hong Kong since they assume the sales tanked. However, I found out that to be quite false ... the "cheaper" 360s only applies for those who sign up for broadband accounts and that only the first 10 gets the offer (wtf?). And that the 360 sells relatively well (at least 20,000 units were sold so far, while it isn't that much, but scale it up to US's population of around 300,000,000 means that around "800,000" units were sold) compared to the first incarnation meant that everyone sells it at the same price ($2959 HKD or around $425 CAD)
I guess that I should make a list of things that I should be buying before I take off for Japan (in order to remind myself) >>;
MG Nemo (for Phil) *Done*
MG Zeta 2.0 (if I can find the cargo space) *Done and I also managed to shove the WAVE Tachikoma in too*
Koto Huckebein Mk-III and perhaps the Cybaster *Done for both*
Battlefield 2 + Special Forces (cheap legit software ftw) *Done*
A copy of Another Century's Episode 2 and Zone of the Enders 2 *Done for the first one, managed to bought the latter in Japan*
A 512MB CF card *Done, end up getting a 1GB card*
A new backpack "I want bigger packbacks! BIGGER!!!" *Done*
I guess with that, I should be "signing off" since I am not typing this on my own computer ... =/
PS. UofT should be shot for not updating my marks fast enough ... *update* Ha, I knew I tanked the Tax II final XD
PPS. RGZ, looks like I failed you on the AEUG flag officially :P